Nurekenov Temirgali (Temirgali Tyubievich Norokonev, or Hadji-Temir-Gali Tyutievich Nurekenov) (1859-G.S.N.) was a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Empire of the II convocation from the Semipalatinsk region.
He was born in 1859 in a nomad family. He graduated from the Kazakh primary school. He was the administrator of the Seitenevskaya volost of the Pavlodar district.
In 1905, on behalf of the Kazakhs of Karkaraly and Pavlodar counties, he took part in writing a petition in protest against the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Translated the petition from Kazakh into Russian.
Among the five possible candidates, Alikhan Bukeikhanov, a deputy of the First State Duma from Semipalatinsk region (now East Kazakhstan region), who was deprived of the right to run for participation in the Vyborg Appeal, was proposed. On February 12, 1907, he was elected to the State Duma of the II convocation from the Congress of commissioners from foreign volosts. He joined the Muslim faction and the Siberian Group, joined the Constitutional Democratic Faction (according to other sources, he was a member of it). In the Duma, he participated in the debate on the issue of assistance to the unemployed.
The further fate and date of death are unknown.
Literature about Nurekenov (Norokonev) T.
Алаш. Алашорда [Мәтін] : энциклопедия / құраст.: Ғ. Әнес, С. Смағұлова. - Алматы : Арыс баспасы, 2009.- 544 б. - Нұрекенов Темірғали: б. 258.
Боиович, М. М. Члены Государственной думы [Мәтін] : (портреты и биографии). Второй созыв / М. М. Боиович. - М., 1907. - С. 490.
Мусульманские депутаты государственной думы России, 1906-1917 годы [Текст] : сборник документов и материалов. - Уфа, 1998.
Усманова, Д. М. Мусульманские представители в Российском парламенте, 1906-1917 [Текст] / Д. М. Усманова. - Казань, 2005.
Государственная дума Российской империи [Текст] : 1906-1917 / Б. Ю. Иванов, А. А. Комзолова, И. С. Ряховская. - Москва, РОССПЭН, 2008. - C. 420.
Российский государственный исторический архив. Фонд 1278. Опись 1 (2-1 созыв). Дело 303; Дело 619. Лист 1
Internet links
Нороконев, Темиргали Тюбиевич [Электронный ресурс] : [биография] // Википедия : сайт. – Режим доступа :,_%D0%A2%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%80%D0%B3%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B8_%D0%A2%D1%8E%D0%B1%D0%B8%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87 (03.02.2017)
Влияние первой русской революции на рост самосознания казахского народа [Электронный ресурс] : [информационная справка] // Казахская библиотека : сайт. – Режим доступа : (03.02.2017)
Темірғали Нұрекенов [Электрондық ресурс] : [өмірбаян] // Уикипедия – ашық энциклопедиясы . сайт. – Режим доступа :