Известные имена

Igibaev S. K.

Igibaev Sovetkhan KabdualievichIgibaev Sovetkhan Kabdualievich (1941-2021) - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, corresponding member of the Academy of Higher Education of Kazakhstan.

Igibaev Sovetkhan Kabdualievich was born on November 11, 1941 in the village of KzylTas, Kurchum district, East Kazakhstan region. His childhood was spent in a large and friendly family. Kabduali's father worked on a collective farm, Kainzhamal's mother is a housewife. After graduating from Terekty-Bulak secondary School in 1959, Sovetkhan Kabdualievich Igibaev entered the 1st year of the historical and philological faculty of the Ust-Kamenogorsk Pedagogical Institute. While still a student, he began to do research work. He was distinguished by inquisitiveness, purposefulness, interest in the history of the region, perseverance in comprehending the basics of historical science. After graduating from UCPI in 1963, S.K. Igibayev worked for several months as a history teacher at the Kalzhir secondary school of the Markakol district of the East Kazakhstan region and then was drafted into the Armed Forces. After completing his military service, he worked as a history teacher in the Samara district of the East Kazakhstan region, an instructor of the Samara district Executive Committee. In 1970, S.K. Igibaev was invited to teach at the Ust-Kamenogorsk Pedagogical Institute. From the first days of work at the university, Sovetkhan Kabdualievich joined the research work. Having chosen the problem of the private gold industry of pre–revolutionary Kazakhstan as a scientific study, he successfully passed the candidate's exams in philosophy, a foreign language - English, which he had to comprehend almost independently, the history of the USSR and in 1974 successfully defended his PhD thesis on: "Private gold industry of pre–revolutionary Kazakhstan 1833-1917" in the specialized council of the Institute of History, Ethnography and Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. His research and teaching activities were distinguished by a high scientific level and versatility. Sovetkhan Kabdualievich was interested in the problems of the ancient history of Kazakhstan – the formation of human society on the modern territory of Kazakhstan, the periodization of the history of Kazakhstan, socio –economic relations of Kazakhstan at the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries and much more. The result of his painstaking, tireless creative work was the defense of his doctoral dissertation in 1991 in Almaty on the topic: "Industrial workers of pre–revolutionary Kazakhstan: numerical composition, position (1861-1917)." S.K. Igibaev is the author of more than 87 scientific papers. His articles on the composition, number, and level of employment of the population outlined new approaches to the study of historical and demographic problems. Of particular interest in the scientific community was his work "Nomadic peoples of the Northern Black Sea region in the stories of Ancient Russia (10th-12th centuries)", published in Almaty, by the publishing house "Gylym" in 1994. A lot of work was done by S.K. Igibayev on writing a "Standard program on the history of Kazakhstan: for students of historical specialties". This program was the first in the Republic and recommended for publication by the Department of Higher Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1995, then supplemented and republished in Kazakh and Russian in 2000. An important feature of this program is that it covered the "white spots of the history of Kazakhstan". The problems of socio-economic history of Kazakhstan, culture and education, population issues were actively developed under the leadership of Sovetkhan Kabdualievich by his masters, graduate students, applicants. In 1996, participating in a research competition, Sovetkhan Kabdualievich won a 3-month internship at Stanford University in the USA. Work in the archives of the United States, meetings, exchanges of views with historians from overseas allowed us to replenish scientific baggage. The unique materials brought from the archives of Stanford University are now used by its masters and graduate students. A deep researcher, scrupulous and thoughtful publisher of sources, Professor S. K. Igibayev conducted research on topical issues of historiography and source studies of the history of Kazakhstan, being the head of the Department of History of Kazakhstan.

For conscientious work, Sovetkhan Kabdualievich was awarded the Order of "Friendship of Peoples" (1981), the medal "10 Years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2001), the badge "For Merits in the development of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2003), the medal "Eren enbegi Ushin" (2005), "Honorary Worker of Education" (2009), winner of the Abai Gold Medal (2018).

Died in May 2021.


Scientific works of S. K. Igibaev 



Игибаев, С. К. Шығармашылық беттері [Мәтін] = Страницы творчества / С. К. Игибаев. - Усть-Каменогорск, 2011. - 420 с.

Игибаев, С. К. Көкжарлы Көкжал Барақ батыр, оның ұрпақтары және руластары [Мәтін] : монография / С. К. Игибаев. - Өскемен : Рекламный Дайджест, 2015. - 280 б.


Игибаев, С. К. Промышленные рабочие дореволюционного Казахстана [Текст] : (1861-1917 гг.) / С. К. Игибаев. - Алма-Ата : Ғылым, 1991. - 192 с.

Игибаев, С. К. Кочевые народы Северного Причерноморья в повестях Древней Руси (ХІ-ХІІ вв) [Текст] / С. К. Игибаев. - Алматы : Ғылым, 1994. - 26 с.

Игибаев, С. К. Образование тюркского каганата и его распад [Текст] / С. К. Игибаев. - Усть-Каменогорск, 2004. - 116 с.

Игибаев, С. К. Казахстан в источниках и материалах [Текст] / С. К. Игибаев. - Усть-Каменогорск : Медиа-Альянс, 2005. - 284 с.

Игибаев, С. К. История Казахстана в источниках и материалах [Текст] : учебное пособие / С. К. Игибаев. - Астана : Фолиант, 2013. - 320 с.

Игибаев, С. К. Историография Казахстана [Текст] : учебное пособие / С. К. Игибаев. - Усть-Каменогорск : Издательство ВКГУ им. С. Аманжолова, 2013. - 216 с.

Publications published with the participation of Igibaev S. K.

Еуразия кеңістігіндегі Алтай : тарихи дәстүрлер және аймақаралық ынтымақтастықтың келешегі [Мәтін] = Алтай в Евразийском пространстве : исторические традиции и перспективы межрегионального сотрудничества : халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция (9-10 қазан 2008 ж.; Өскемен) : ғылыми еңбектердің жинағы. 2-ші бөлім / Шығыс Қазақстан облысының әкімшілігі, Шығыс Қазақстан халқының Ассамблеясы, Қазақстан Республикасы Білім және ғылым министрлігі, С. Аманжолов атындағы Шығыс Қазақстан мемлекеттік университеті; жауапты ред. С. К. Игибаев. - Өскемен : Усть-Каменогорский печатный двор, 2008. - 258 б.


Co-authored publications


Игибаев, С. К. История Казахстана [Текст] : учебно-методическое пособие / С. К. Игибаев, А. С. Жанбосинова, Г. Х. Халидуллин; Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан. - Алматы : КазНур, 2013. - 288 с.


Articles published in co-authorship


Игибаев, С. К. Сведения по истории дореволюционного Казахстана в "Горном журнале" [Текст] /  С. К. Игибаев // История. - 1972. - С. 175-180.

Игибаев, С. К. Восточноказахстанцы - участники Великой Отечественной войны [Текст] : их боевой и трудовой путь / С. К. Игибаев // Қазақстан Ұлы Отан соғысында: тарихы, зерттеу әдіснамасы және заманауи көзқарас : халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция материалдары. = Казахстан в Великой Отечественной войне: история, методология исследования и современное осмысление : материалы Международной научно-практической конференции. Ч. 1. - Өскемен : С. Аманжолов атындағы ШҚМУ баспасы, 2010. - С. 68-76. - Библиогр. в конце разд.

Игибаев, С. К. Население Восточного казахстана в начале XXI века [Текст] / С. К. Игибаев // Этнодемографические процессы в Казахстане и сопредельных территориях : XI международная научно-практическая конференция (г. Усть-Каменогорск, 28-29 мая 2010 г.) : сборник научных трудов : памяти доктора исторических наук, профессора Н. В. Алексеенко. - Усть-Каменогорск : Либриус, 2010. - 480 с.


Literature about Igibaev S. K.


Қазақстан ғылымы [Мәтін] : энциклопедия / бас ред. Б. Ө. Жақып. - Алматы : Қазақ энциклопедиясы, 2009. - Игібаев Советхан Қабдуәліұлы: б. 466.

Шығыс Қазақстан облысы [Мәтін] : энциклопедия. - Алматы : Қазақ энциклопедиясы, 2014. - Игібаев Советхан Қабдуәліұлы: б. 375.


Ученые Восточно-Казахстанского государственного университета имени С. Аманжолова [Текст] : биографический справочник. Т. 1 / сост. А. Ф. Сурнина, Ж. Т. Бопурова; под ред. А. А. Абжаппарова. - Усть-Каменогорск : Изд-воВКГУ, 2004. - Игибаев Советхан Кабдуалиевич: с. 31-32.

Наш исторический... [Текст] . - Усть-Каменогорск : Медиа-Альянс, 2006. – Игибаев Советхан Кабдуалиевич: с. 63-66.