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Nedobitkova-Belskaya M. K.

Nedobitkova-Belskaya Maria KarpovnaNedobitkova-Belskaya Maria Karpovna (1925) - writer, participant of the Great Patriotic War.

She was born on April 7, 1925 in the village of Pokrovka, Altai Krai in a peasant family. She graduated from high school in the city of Ridder. Childhood was hungry and full of hardships. I had to work a lot. 

During the war years, Maria got a job at the evacuated Lyubertsy Electrotechnical Plant in Leninogorsk (now Ridder). In the spring of 1944, Maria Karpovna, together with the Lyubertsy plant, goes to Moscow. The orders at the factory were strict. The girls worked in the canteen in three shifts. And Maria was lucky. Since childhood, she loved to sing and had a clear, horshy voice, thanks to which she successfully auditioned and was enrolled in the Pyatnitsky State Russian Folk Choir.

Maria Karpovna twice rushed to the front and in Moscow her next attempt was crowned with success. In September 1944, Maria began civilian service in the 33rd battalion of the Second Baltic Front. There were battles for the liberation of Latvia. Their battalion, as settlements were liberated, followed the front line.

After the end of the war, Maria Karpovna went to the Far East and entered the theater studio of the Gorky Regional Drama Theater. When the studio was closed, Maria decided to return to Moscow, to the Pyatnitsky Choir. But she didn't stay there for long either, she returned home to Ridder. 

After various vicissitudes of life, Maria Karpovna moved to Ust-Kamenogorsk and got a job at the central chemical laboratory of the Lead-Zinc Combine (now KAZZINC). 

Maria Karpovna began her writing career already being retired. Her first published work was the novella "Arina's Children". A series of short stories followed: "The Last hunt", "Duel", "Wolf", etc. Then the long-awaited hardcover book "I Live and Remember" was published, which included already well-known stories and novellas.

Maria Karpovna Nedobitkova-Belskaya has awards: the Order of the Patriotic War II degree, jubilee medals.

Literary works of  Nedobitkova-Belskaya M.

Бельская, М. К. Дети Арины : повесть / Бельская Мария Карповна. - Барнаул : Алт. кн. изд-во, 1991

Недобиткова-Бельская, М. К. Живу и помню : Повести / Недобиткова-Бельская М. К. - Усть-Каменогорск : Автор-К, 2002.

Недобиткова-Бельская М. К. Живу и помню : [роман-эпопея] / М. К. Недобиткова-Бельская. - Усть-Каменогорск : Медиа-Альянс, 2004

Недобиткова-Бельская, М. Клочок земли; Колька : рассказы / Недобиткова-Бельская М. // Восток. - 2006. - №2. - С. 149-154


Кратенко, А. Сага о времени и несчастной любви : [Вышла в свет книга Марии Недобитковой "Живу и помню"] / Кратенко А. // Рудный Алтай. - 2002. - 20 июля. - С. 3.

Минченко, Е. Она защищала Родину и написала книгу : [о писательнице М. Бельской] / Е. Минченко. - Текст // Рудный Алтай. - 2016. - 11 февраля. - С. 18.

Internet links

Бельская М. К. Воспоминание о ГУЛАГе [Электронный ресурс] : [автобиография] : сайт. - Режим доступа - https://www.sakharov-center.ru/asfcd/auth/?t=page&num=1347 (08.02.2022)