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Akayev Kh.

Akayev KhasenAkayev Khasen (1860-1931) was a public figure, entrepreneur, educator, supporter of the Alash movement.

He was born in 1860 in village No. 1 of Kuva parish, Karkaraly district, Semipalatinsk region (now East Kazakhstan region). He had a primary education. For 16 years he was the volost administrator of the Kuva volost. Hasen enjoyed great authority among the residents of the Kuva parish. The Kuyanda Fair did not open without him, because it took place on his possessions. Khasen Akayev encouraged trade, farming, and haymaking. He was engaged in charity work, breeding. He subscribed to the magazine "Aikap" and distributed it to Kazakh teachers, paramedics.

Through the Ministry of Public Education of the Russian state, he was the first in the Kuva parish to open a Russian-Kazakh aul school of the European model. Participated in agricultural exhibitions.

On March 16, 1917, the Kazakh county committee was established in Karkaralinsk. Khasen Akayev and Nigmet Nurmakov were delegated to the members of his council from Kuva volost.

On March 17, 1917, an organizational meeting of members of the "Small Credit Partnership" was held here in Karkaralinsk. Hasen Akayev was elected Chairman of the Management Board.

In 1905, Akayev Khasen (at the request of Alikhan Bukeikhanov) was one of the organizers of the steppe meeting, where on July 22, 1905, the trustees of the Karkaraly district signed a petition addressed to His Imperial Majesty. It spoke about the reduction of taxes, the elimination of the institution of peasant chiefs, the granting of complete freedom of religion, the participation of elected representatives in the people's government.

In 1923, Hasen Akayev promoted the revival of the Kuyanda Fair after a five-year break. Representatives of the associations "Textile", "Syndicate", "Kirtsentrtorg", "Kozhsindikat", "Sibtorg" arrived at the fair. Mamrayev, Khaibulin, Anashin and Shelomentsev offered their goods from private traders.

In 1925, a journalist from Semipalatinsk (now Semey) N. I. Anov spent a month at the Kuyandinskaya Fair. He closely studied the life of the steppe trade. Subsequently, the names of many people with whom Anov communicated migrated to the pages of his novel "Wings of Song". Among whom there are brothers Akayev Hasen and Magat, but their names in the novel are changed to Akbayev Saken and Akhmet.

He supported the Alashordin government financially and financially.

The arrest and rumors about the impending confiscation of farms in Kazakhstan forced Khasen Akayev to make a decision to leave. Akaev spent the last years of his life in Petropavlovsk and Bashkiria. He died in Petropavlovsk in 1931 .

He was rehabilitated by the Decree of the PVA of the USSR of January 16, 1989.


Literature about Akaev H.


Алаш. Алашорда [Мәтін] : энциклопедия / құраст.: Ғ. Әнес, С. Смағұлова. - Алматы : Арыс баспасы, 2009. - 544 б. – Ақаев Хасен: б. 23.

Попов, Ю. Акаев из Егиндыбулака [Текст] / Ю. Попов // Индустриальная Караганда.-1992. - 7 авг. - С. 4.


Internet resources 


Акаев Хасен [Электронный ресурс] : [биографическая справка] // Министерство внутренних дел Республики Казахстан : сайт. – Режим доступа : http://mvd.gov.kz/portal/page/portal/mvd/mvd_page/mvd_memorial/mObl10/mObl10_%D0%90/23F77D155E833527E054002655122E6A (08.02.2017)

Акаев Хасен [Электронный ресурс] : [биографическая справка] // Центр генеалогических исследований : сайт. – Режим доступа : http://rosgenea.ru/?alf=1&page=2&serchcatal=%C0%EA%E0%E5%E2&radiobutton=4 (08.02.2017)

Акаев Хасен (1857) [Электронный ресурс] : [биографическая справка] // Открытый список жертв политических репрессий в СССР : сайт. – Режим доступа :   https://ru.openlist.wiki/%D0%90%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%B5%D0%B2_%D0%A5%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BD_(1857) (08.02.2017)

Рахметуллин, Е. ЖИЗНЬ И СУДЬБА КАЗАХСКИХ МЕЦЕНАТОВ ПЕРВОЙ ПОЛОВИНЫ ХХ ВЕКА ) [Электронный ресурс] : [об Акаеве Х.] / Е. Рахметуллин // e-history.kz : сайт. – Режим доступа : http://e-history.kz/ru/publications/view/1391 (08.02.2017)

Попов, Ю. АКАЕВ ИЗ ЕГИНДЫБУЛАКА [Электронный ресурс] : [биография] / Ю. Попов // Карагандинская областная универсальная научная библиотека им. Н. В. Гоголя : сайт. – Режим доступа : http://catalog.karlib.kz/irbis64r_01/Kraeved/Istoriya_Karkaraly/Akaev_iz_Egendybulaka.pdf (08.02.2017)