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Boshtaev (Bochtaev) A. S.

Boshtaev (Bochtaev) Aryngazy Suleimenuly (1884-1937) was an active member of the Alash movement.

He was born in 1884 (according to some sources in 1883) in Bayanaul district of Pavlodar region (now Karaganda region). In 1903, in Semipalatinsk (now Semey), he graduated from the sixth-grade Semipalatinsk gymnasium, in 1908 he graduated from the Veterinary Institute. He was elected to the regional Kazakh committee at the Semipalatinsk regional Kazakh Congress held from February 27 to May 7 in 1917. He was chairman of the Alashorda Council in Zaisan district (now Zaisan district of East Kazakhstan region).

Arrested on October 7, 1937 on charges of counterrevolutionary activities under Article 58, paragraph 10 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. Convicted on October 31, 1937 by the Troika of the NKVD in the Karaganda region, the sentence was pronounced: capital punishment – execution, which was executed on the same day.

Rehabilitated on August 19, 1959 for the absence of a crime event.


Literature about Boshtaev (Bochtaev) A.


Алаш. Алашорда [Мәтін] : энциклопедия / құраст.: Ғ. Әнес, С. Смағұлова. - Алматы: «Арыс» баспасы, 2009.- 544 б. - Боштаев Арынғазы Сүлейменұлы: б. 107.

«Алаш» қозғалысы [Мәтін] : құжаттар мен материалдар жинағы, сәуір 1901 ж. - желтоқсан 1917 ж. Т. 1. - Алматы, 2008.


Internal links


Бочтаев Арынгазы (1883) [Электронный ресурс] : [биографическая справка] // Открытый список жертв политических репрессий в СССР : сайт. – Режим доступа : https://ru.openlist.wiki/Бочтаев_Арынгазы_(1883)(09.02.2017)