Duissenbayev Rakhymzhan (years of life unknown) is an active supporter of the Alash movement, a lawyer.
Member of the Semipalatinsk regional Committee of Alash. He was elected as a candidate on behalf of Semipalatinsk (now East Kazakhstan region) and Akmola regions at the Constituent Assembly. Since September 1917, he began publishing the newspaper "Tirshilik", later under the influence of S. Seifullin he left along the line of Bolshevism. Further fate and date of death are unknown.
Literature about Duisenbaev R.
Алаш. Алашорда [Мәтін] : энциклопедия / құраст.: Ғ. Әнес, С. Смағұлова. - Алматы : Арыс баспасы, 2009.- 544 б. – Дүйсенбаев Рахымжан: б. 148.
Шаяхметов, Н. Ел – бүгіншіл, менікі – ертең үшін [Мәтін] / Н. Шаяхметов. - Алматы, 2001.