Известные имена

Мукышев Т.

Mukyshev TalgatMukyshev Talgat (1962) - flutist

Talgat Karipzhanovich Mukyshev was born on June 10, 1962 in the village of Aksuat, Tarbagatai district, East Kazakhstan region. Talgat Karipzhanovich is a cultural worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2005), Candidate of Art History (2010), associate professor of the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory (2012).

"I entered the Mukan Tulebayev Music School in Semey. Later, during my military service in Schwerin (Germany), I spent two years in a military brass band. After returning from the army, he studied wind instruments in Taldykorgan. I was a member of the Sazgen Sazy orchestra and played the flute," T. Mukushev said in his memoirs. In 1992, he was sent by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan to study flute playing at the Ufa State Conservatory in Bashkortostan. In 1995, as the first professional flutist in the country, he was admitted to the Faculty of Folk Instruments of the Almaty State Conservatory. From 1997 to 2000 he was a soloist of the Presidential orchestra of the Republican Guard. He has performed in many concerts with the Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments named after Kurmangazy and the Academic Folklore and Ethnographic Orchestra named after N. Tlendiev. Since 1995, senior lecturer in the flute class of the Kazakh National Conservatory.His flute kuis are included in the "Golden Fund" of the Kazakh radio. He provided musical accompaniment for the play "Estaidyn Korlany" and the film "Nomads". In 2003 he published the symphony of kuev "Sybyzgy cheeses", wrote the preface to the collection of sybyzgy-kobyz kuev "Mangilik saryn" (2007), to the collection of kuev "Kazaktyn dasturli 1000 kuyi" (2010). According to the program "Cultural Heritage" he was one of the compilers of this collection. Mukyshev Talgat is the author of the book "Sybyzgy sazy", published in 2005. Candidate of Art History, cultural worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Laureate of national and international festivals, participant of international music festivals in America, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Egypt, South Korea, China, Turkey, Russia, Bashkortostan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and other countries.


Publications by T. Mukyshev


Мұқышев, Т. «Сыбызғышы» дипломы бар тұңғыш қазақпын [Мәтін] : Қазақтың ғажап ұлттық музыкалық аспаптарының бірі – сыбызғы туралы / Т. Мұқышев ; сұхбат. Д. Анаш // Дидар. - 2013. - 30 қазан.- б.1.

Мұқышев, Т. "Сыбызғышы" дипломы бар тұңғыш қазақпын [Мәтін] : [Сыбызғышы Талғат Мұқышев туралы.] / Т. Мұқышев // Дидар. - 2013. - 24 қазан.- б.8.


Literature about T. Mukyshev


Әшімжан, Ж. Қурайшы [Мәтін] : қазақтың тұңғыш кәсіби сыбызғышысы Талғат Мұқышевпен сыр-сұхбат / Ж. Әшімжан // Қазақ әдебиеті. - 2009. - 13 ақпан.- Б. 9.

Байдәулет, Қ. Сыбызғы сыныбы жолға қойылды [Мәтін] / Қ. Байдәулет // Айқын . - 2017.- 28 қазан . – Б. 25