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Малдыбаев О. Б.


Maldybaev Oralbek Beisembaevich (1922-2010) - Honorary citizen of the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk.

Born on April 10, 1922 in the village of Kokzhota, Samara district, East Kazakhstan region. In 1940 he graduated from the Semipalatinsk Pedagogical College. In December 1941, he volunteered for the front as part of the 151st regiment of the 8th division formed in Semipalatinsk. His post-war labor activity was connected with work in party and state bodies.

For 15 years he headed the East Kazakhstan regional department of culture (1969-1984). During these years, new creative teams were created, the names of original talented personalities were discovered, rural clubs and houses of culture were built. It was one of the heydays of the cultural life of East Kazakhstan.

Maldybaev O. B. was repeatedly elected a deputy of the Soviets of People's Deputies of Workers of various levels.

After taking a well-deserved rest, Oralbek Beisembaevich actively worked in the Council of War and Labor Veterans of the region, headed the commission for the education of youth, and later became a member of the regional Council of Elders and the Small Assembly of the People of the East Kazakhstan region.

He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, two Orders of the Red Banner of Labour, the Order of the Badge of Honor, medals "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", "For Valiant Labor during the Great Patriotic War of 1941" -1945".

By the decision of the XXV session of the Ust-Kamenogorsk city maslikhat No. 25/3 dated August 17, 2006 Maldybaev O. B. was awarded the title of "Honorary citizen of the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk».

Literature about O. B. Maldybaev:

Малдыбаев Оралбек Бейсембаевич // Пуссеп, Г. Н. Почетные граждане Усть-Каменогорска [Текст] / Г. Н. Пуссеп, С. С. Грекова. - Усть-Каменогорск, 2008. – С. 114-115.


Малдыбаев Оралбек Бейсембаевич // Құрмет кітабы. Өскемен қаласы = Книга почёта. Город Усть-Каменогорск / автор идеи и руководитель проекта Коротин С. В. - Алматы : Print House Gerona, 2021. - С. 110-111.


Сухова, Д. Конец войны - начало любви : [Об общественном деятеле, ветеране ВОв О. Б. Малдыбаеве] / Д. Сухова // Өскемен. - 2010. - 6 мая. - С. 28.


Малдыбаев Оралбек Бейсембаевич [Текст] : [некролог] // Рудный Алтай. - 2010. - 23 окт. - С. 3.