Известные имена

Igibayeva A. K.

Igibayeva Ainagul KurmashevnaIgibayeva Ainagul Kurmashevna (1953) - Professor of the Department of Pedagogical Education and Management of S. Amanzholov EKSU, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, corresponding member, academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education, academician of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences.

She was born in the village of Bel-Karagai, Katon-Karagai district of East Kazakhstan region. In 1975 she graduated from the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute with a degree in "teacher of Russian language and literature". She began her career in August 1975 at the Ust-Kamenogorsk Pedagogical Institute (now EKSU named after S.Amanzholov) as a deputy. secretary of the Komsomol committee of the university. In 1977, she moved to work as a teacher at the Department of Komsomol and Pioneer work. She has passed the professional path from teacher to professor. She defended her PhD and doctoral dissertations. The topic of the candidate's thesis: "The history of the formation of primary education in Kazakhstan 1917-1941. The topic of the doctoral thesis: "Genesis and trends in the development of the education system in Kazakhstan in the late 19th-mid-20th centuries.". In different years, she held administrative positions in the structural divisions of the university: head of the department, head of the department of the College of EKSU, Vice-rector for Educational and Methodological work, Currently professor of the Department of Pedagogical Education and Management of EKSU named after S. Amanzholov. Under her leadership, candidate's and master's theses were defended. The author's school of Professor A.K. Igibayeva is represented in all regions of the republic.

Main scientific direction: pedagogy, history of pedagogy, ethnopedagogy, pedagogical psychology. Author of about 190 scientific and methodological works, including monographs, textbooks, textbooks (Russia, France, China, MNR, Czech Republic). She completed foreign internships in the Czech Republic, (Prague, 2012) under the program "Management in education - European models of educational process management in higher education, Germany (Dyuseldorf, 2013).

Ainagul Kurmashevna is one of the authors of the monograph "Cultural Heritage of East Kazakhstan".

State awards: badges "For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2009), the title "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2007), "Best university teacher" (2012).


Scientific works of Igibayeva A. K.



Игибаева, А. К. Генезис и тенденции развития системы образования в Казахстане (конец XIX -середина XX вв.) [Текст] : монография / А. К. Игибаева. - Усть-Каменогорск: Изд-во ВКГУ им. С. Аманжолова, 2012. - 252 с.


Publications of A. K. Igibayeva in collections


Еуразия кеңістігіндегі Алтай: тарихи дәстүрлер және аймақаралық ынтымақтастықтың келешегі [Текст] : международная научно-практическая конференция (9-10 октября 2008 г. ; Усть-Каменогорск) : сборник научных трудов. Ч. 2 / Акимат ВКО, Ассамблея народов Восточного Казахстана, Министерство образования и науки РК, ВКГУ им. С. Аманжолова, Ч. 2. - Усть-Каменогорск: Усть-Каменогорский печатный двор, 2008. - 258 с.

Қазіргі білім беру жүйесі: мәселелері мен даму болашағы [Мәтін] : халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция материалдары - мамыр 2015, 2015. - 468 б.


Publications by A. K. Igibayeva in periodicals


Игибаева, А. К. Реализация непрерывного профессионального образования в структуре универститетского комплекса [Текст] / А. К. Игибаева // ШҚО педагогика жаршысы. - Усть-Каменогорск, 2009. - N 2(июнь). - С. 3-4.

Игибаева, А. К. Не надо подменять белое черным [Текст] : [отзыв на статью О. Видовой "1400 дней или четыре года"] / А. К. Игибаева // Рудный Алтай. - 2013. - 7 февр. - С. 3.

Игибаева, А. К. "Этот день мы приближали как могли" [Текст] / А. К. Игибаева // Заря Востока. - 2015. - 18 февраль .- с.3

Игибаева, А. К. вопросу об управлении профессиональным учебным заведением [Текст] /А. К. Игибаева // Педагогика жаршысы = Педагогический вестник. - 2015. - № 6. - С. 5-6

Игибаева А. К вопросу управления сельской школой в современных условиях [Текст] / А. Игибаева // ШҚО педагогика жаршысы. - 2017. - № 1. - С. 5-7.


Literature about A. K. Igibayeva


Ученые Восточно-Казахстанского государственного университета имени С. Аманжолова [Текст] : биографический справочник. Т. 1 / сост. А. Ф. Сурнина, Ж. Т. Бопурова ; под ред. А. А. Абжаппарова. - Усть-Каменогорск: ВКГУ, 2004. - 327 с.- Игибаева Айнагуль Курмашевна : с. 24-25.