Известные имена

Bashey K.

Bashey KeneskazyBashey Keneskazy (1941) – journalist, publicist

He was born in the Karaul village of Abai district of Semey (now East-Kazakhstan) region, in a tractor-driver family. After graduating the college, he worked as a tractor driver in his native village for two years. He studied at the Tashkent Arms Command School named after Lenin. After graduating he entered the journalism faculty of the Kazakh State University. After university, he worked in the republican newspaper «Socialistic Kazakhstan».
As a professional with experience in journalism, he worked as a chief editor of the newspaper «Arna», published a magazine for young people «The young man and the girl». 


Калачян М. Самое важное дело на свете ! //Спектр. - 2012. - 27 июня. - С. 1 : фото.цв.

Материал представлен ВК областной библиотекой им. Абая (г. Семей).