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Zhangeldin T.

Photo2Zhangeldin Toktagali (1916-1973) – veteran of World War II as part of the guerrilla movement brigade «Uncle Kolya» (Belarus), scientist, writer

He was born in Semey oblast. After graduating the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute in 1938 he started teaching. In February 1940 he was drafted into the Soviet army, from the first days of the Great Patriotic War took part in the struggle against the fascist invaders, as the commander of artillery platoon. After heavy fighting and injury he joined the ranks of the partisan movement in Belarus. Until 1944 he was in the ranks of the defenders of Belarus in the brigade «Uncle Kolya» in the woods near the town of Borisov. Guerrillas elected his deputy brigade commissioner. For courage and heroism he was awarded orders and medals.
After the war, he was placed at the disposal of the Central Committee of Youth of Kazakhstan and was appointed secretary of the Almaty regional committee of Komsomol, worked as a head the department of the Central Committee of Youth of Kazakhstan, Secretary of the Central Committee of Youth of Kazakhstan.
By decision of the Central Committee of Youth of Kazakhstan he was sent to study in Moscow at the Higher Party School of the Central Committee of the CPSU, after which he taught at the College CCU Kazakhstan.
In 1954 he graduated from the Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee in Moscow, and a PhD in philosophy, later worked in senior positions in the party leadership of the republic, as the head of the department of Communist Party of Kazakhstan, Director of the Institute of Party History.
He headed the Institute of Philosophy and Law, Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. His monograph «The dictatorship of the proletariat and the establishment of socialist relations in Kazakhstan» was awarded the prize named after Shokan Ualikhanov Kazakh Academy of Sciences. He was also the author of books, novels and short stories about the partisan movement in Belarus.
For Service to the Motherland he was twice awarded the Order «Red Banner of Labor», the Order «Badge of Honor», with many medals of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Also, he was awarded the Order of the Czechoslovak «Guerrilla Star».
After a serious illness he died in 1973 and was buried in Almaty with full military honors.


  • Жанкелдин, Т. Сын сағатында [Мәтін] : повестер мен әңгімелер. - Алматы : Жазушы, 1981. - 552 б.
  • Жангельдин, Т.Дневник партизана [Текст] / Т. Жангельдин.- Алма-Ата : Жазушы, 1965. - 208 с.
  • Жангельдин Т. Партизанские походы [Текст] / Т. Жангельдин.- Алма-Ата: Жазушы, 1969.- 268 стр.
  • Жангельдин, Т. Час испытаний [Текст] : записки партизана / Т. Жангельдин ; пер. с каз. - Алматы : Жазушы, 1984. - 444 с.

Literature about it:

  • Гранов, В. Воспоминания о Т. Жангельдине [Электронный ресурс] // Беларускі портал в Казахстане : сайт. - Алматы, 2014. - Режим доступа: http://www.belarus.kz/kultura/zhankeldin_vov_uspaminy (4.05.2016)
  • Жангельдин, Е. Токтагали Жангельдин [Электронный ресурс] // Беларускі портал в Казахстане : сайт. - Алматы, 2014. - Режим доступа: http://www.belarus.kz/kultura/zhankeldin_vov (4.05.2016)