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Afanasyev A. A.

Afanasyev Alexander Alekseevich (1909 - D. S. unknown) - participant of the Great Patriotic War, writer, journalist.

He was born on November 22, 1909 in Barnaul, in a working-class family.

In 1925 he entered the Ust-Kamenogorsk Pedagogical College. During his studies, he takes an active part in the activities of the literary association "Link of Altai".

After graduating from college, he works as the head of a hut-reading room on a Goose flight in Pavlodar. Then, from November 1929, he became a teacher of Russian language and literature at the school of peasant youth of the district village of Irtyshsk of the Pavlodar district. In 1930, he was appointed inspector of the Irtysh district, then head of the Glubokov school of collective farm youth.

The visit to the literary association "Link of Altai" did not pass without a trace. Alexander Alekseevich wrote a lot. In 1930, he was appointed executive secretary of the newspaper's editorial office and approved by his own correspondent of the republican newspaper "Soviet Steppe".

Since 1931, he has been working as head of the livestock department of the Komsomol newspaper "Leninskaya Smena". In the same year he left for Barnaul, where he worked in various positions until 1942.

In July 1942, he volunteered for the front. Participated in battles with enemies until the end of the war. He was an instructor of the political department, editor of the newspaper "Stalin's Guard", deputy editor of the newspaper "Combat Red Army". In the post-war years in the flesh before retiring, he worked in print:

1946-1947 - Deputy.Editor of the newspaper "Voroshilovets" (Leningrad military District)

1947-1950. - literary secretary of the newspaper "Defender of the Motherland" (Odessa military District)

1950-1952. - assistant Secretary of the newspaper "Krasnaya Zvezda" (Moscow)

1952-1953. - refresher courses for editors.

1953-1954 - Literary secretary of the newspaper "Victory Banner" (Northern Group of Soviet Troops. Poland)

1954 - 1959 - Correspondent of the Party Life Department of the Defender of the Motherland newspaper (Voronezh Military District)


Internet links

Афанасьев Александр Алексеевич [Электронный ресурс] : [биография, ГАВКО, ф.742, оп.1, 29 ед.хр., 1927-1985 г.г., каталог.] /Официальный сайт Государственного архива Восточно-Казахстанской области и его филиалы. - Режим доступа : http://e-arhiv.vko.gov.kz/ru/Page/Index/1436 (09.01.2019)