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Bazhenova T. A.

Bazhenova Taisiya AnatolyevnaBazhenova Taisiya Anatolyevna (17.05.1900 - 6.10. 1978) - poet, journalist

Bazhenova (married Postnikova) Taisiya Anatolyevna was born on May 17, 1900 in Zaisan, East Kazakhstan region. She was born in a family of writers. Father Anatoly Dmitrievich Bazhenov was the editor of the magazine "Irtysh" (Omsk, 1918-1919), mother Evdokia Ivanovna was a native of Semipalatinsk (now East Kazakhstan) region.

The publication of the first poems of the poetess occurred during the Civil War of 1918 and were published in the Omsk newspaper Zarya. Subsequently published in the magazines "Fatherland", "Irtysh" and the newspaper "Forward". Since 1920 he has been living in Harbin. She worked as a correspondent for the newspaper "Russian Voice" and "Zarya". Taisiya Anatolyevna was an employee of the Society for the Study of the Manchurian Region. Bazhenova read her poems in the literary and artistic circle at the Harbin Commercial Meeting (1922-1925?) and participated in the activities of the Society of Writers and Journalists in Harbin (1921-1923).

After moving to San Francisco in 1927, Bazhenova continued to publish in the Harbin magazine "Rubezh" and the daily newspaper "Russian Voice". Russian Russian newspaper worked in various West Coast newspapers: in the editorial office of the newspaper "Russian Life", "New Dawn" (1928), acted as an employee of the collection "Land of Columbus". At the same time, her poems, stories, and interviews were published in magazines and collections. So, in 1934, in the Harbin military jubilee collection of the Siberian Cossacks "Siberian Cossack", in addition to Bazhenova's poems, her article "Camp on Ablaketka" was published, where the poetess tells about staying in Ust-Kamenogorsk in a special camp on the Ablaketka River.

In 1936, in New York, her poems "Other Meetings" were published in the collection of literature and art "Land of Columbus". Poems were published in the California Collection (1934), Shanghai magazines "Gates" (1935) and "Phoenix" (poem "Russian Old Lady", 1935), in the New York collection "Ark". Having wide connections in literary circles, Bazhenova entered into correspondence with many representatives of foreign Russian-language literature, in particular with G. D. Grebenshchikov.


Bazhenova's works


Баженова, Т. Спящий город / Т. Баженова // Наша Заря. - 1919. - № 49 (6 марта).

Баженова, Т. Инвалиды / Т. Баженова // Народная газета. - Шадринск, 1919. - 5 апреля.

Баженова, Т. Последним вечером / Т. Баженова // Наша Заря. - 1919. - № 105 (18 мая).

Баженова, Т. Песни сибирячки./ Т. Баженова - Харбин, 1919.

Баженова, Т. Иные встречи / Т. Баженова // Земля Колумба: сб..- Нью-Йорк, 1936. - Кн. 1. - С. 10.

Баженова, Т. О молоканах в Лос-Анджелесе / Т. Баженова // Новая заря.- 1940. - 11 июля.

Literature about Bazhenova T.



Примечания. Баженова Таисия // Русская поэзия Китая : Антология / Сост.: В. Крейд, О. Бакич. — М. : Изд. дом «Время», 2001. - 718 с

Тарлыкова, О. Мы Родину иконой пронесли.../О. Тарлыкова - Усть-Каменогорск.: Медиа- Альянс, 2020



Женская душа в поэзии // Рубеж. - 1933. - № 40 (297).

Волкова, М. Памяти Таисии Баженовой: (Некролог) / М. Волкова // Русская жизнь. - Сан-Франциско, 1978. - 31 октября.

Крейд, В. П. Все звезды повидав чужие. Вступ. ст. // Русская поэзия Китая : Антология / Сост.: В. Крейд, О. Бакич.- М. : Изд. дом «Время», 2001. - С. 5-38

Хисамутдинов А. А. Медиат // Российская эмиграция в Китае: опыт энциклопедии. — Владивосток: Изд-во Дальневост. ун-та, 2002. - С. 139.

Александров, Е. А. Баженова Таисия Анатольевна // Русские в Северной Америке: Биографический словарь / Под редакцией К. М. Александрова, А. В. Терещук. - Хэмден - Сан-Франциско, СПб. 2005. - С. 41.

Тарлыкова, О. Песни Сибирячки (К 115-летию Таисии Баженовой) / О. Тарлыкова // Простор.- 2015. - № 7.