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Abilkasimov A.

Abilkasimov AizharykAbilkasimov Aizharyk (1961) - poet, member of the Union of Writers of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Born on October 10, 1961 in the village of Kabanbai (formerly Zharbulak) Urdzharsky (formerly Makanchinsky) district of East Kazakhstan region in a large family.

Abilkasimov's father Kubash was a genealogist, told fairy tales, ancient legends, played the dombra and sang. Growing up in such a family, Aizharyk became interested in literature early. As a child, he drew well, wrote articles and sent them to the newspaper "Pioneers of Kazakhstan". It was probably at this time that his acquaintance with the editor-in-chief of the publication, Fariza Ungarsynova, began. 

Aizharyk's first poems were published in the district newspaper. The future poet graduated from Zharbulak secondary School in 1979. From 1979 to 1981 he served in Germany. In 1984, he graduated from Taldykorgan Law College, worked as a senior inspector for juvenile affairs of the newly formed Taskesken district. A year later he received an officer's rank and became a lieutenant. Aizharyk is the owner of the "Best Policeman" badge. 

But the poet-Aizharyk does not forget about literature, his poems began to appear in the district newspapers "Semey Tany", "Leninshil Zhas". In the republican contest "One poem - one world", the poet takes first place. About 700 poets participated in the competition. The poet's poems were included in the textbook on the subject "Poets and writers of the Motherland" of the Semipalatinsk Pedagogical Institute. His poems are published in republican publications. The name of Abilkasimov Aizharyk is included in the collection "Kazakh Soviet poets and writers", in the encyclopedia "Oriental poets and writers". Abilkasimov is the author of collections of poems and songs.

Literature about Abilkasimov A.


Әбілқасымов , А. "Мен әлі өмір кешем!" Мәтін: [үржарлық ақын А. Әбілқасымов туралы.] / А. Әбілқасымов ; сұхбат: Тайжігіт Б. // Алдаспан. - 2014. - 13 қараша. - Б. 12.