Известные имена

Bapi E. S.

Bapi Ermurat SeitkazinovichBapi Ermurat Seitkazinovich (1959) is a journalist, Honored Journalist of Kazakhstan.

He was born on August 7, 1959 in the village of Karabulak, Zaisan district, East Kazakhstan region in a large family. His father - Seytkazy Bapiuly (1935-2004) was a veterinarian. His mother, Aziza Konakaevna (1937-1995), was a shop assistant. Karlygash Bisaliev's wife is a TV journalist. Producer of the national channel "Kazakhstan". Ermurat Seitkazevich has three daughters and two sons. 1976 graduated from the Abai Secondary School in the village of Karabulak. In the same year, in the month of June, they are hired by the Zaisansky district newspaper Dostyk. 1977-80 he serves in the USSR Navy (Vladivostok, Kamchatka, Sevastopol, Murmansk). 1980-85 studied journalism at the Kazakh State University. Since August 1985, he worked as a correspondent, senior correspondent, head of the department of the East Kazakhstan regional newspaper "Flag of Communism" (now "Didar"). 1989. In October 1992, he was invited to work in the republican newspaper "Socialist Kazakhstan" ("Egemen Kazakhstan"). From October 1992 to March 1994 - Deputy General Director of the Kazakh Radio Broadcasting Company of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 1994-1997 (October) - Deputy Head of the Press Service of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 1997-1998 - Advisor to the President of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan. 1998 On April 16, the first issue of the Republican socio-political newspaper "DAT" was published. Honored Journalist of Kazakhstan. He was awarded the "Gold Medal" of the Union of Journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Laureate of the Freedom Prize of the Democratic Forces of Kazakhstan. Laureate of the prize of patriots of Kazakhstan "Diamond Sword". Laureate of the prize of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan.


E. Bapi's articles on the pages of the periodical press


Бапи, Е.Бейбіт күнде жоғалған батыр / Е. Бапи. - // Егемен Қазақстан. - 1992. - 17 қазан.

N20 Зайсан сайлау округі бойынша Қазақстан Республикасы Парламенті мәжілісіне депутаттыққа кандидат Е.Бапидың бағдарламасы. – Мәтін. // Дидар. - 1999. - 28 қыркүйек.

Бапи Е.. Билікті мақтайтын 5 мың газет бар, ал оның көлеңкелі тұстарын айтатын 5-ақ газет... / Е. Бапи. - // Түркістан . - 2008.- 17 сәуір (N 15/16). - Б. 13.

Бапи Е. Журналистика қазаққа қызмет етсін /Е. Бапи - // Парасат . - 2014. - № 11. - Б. 2-3.