Pivovarov Pavel Savelevich (1926-2013) - writer, poet, publisher, public figure, participant of the Great Patriotic War.
Born on September 12, 1926 in the village of Nikolskoye, Zyryanovsky district (now Altai district) East Kazakhstan region.
In the era of the beginning of the educational program, a literate man, a fellow villager-a blacksmith, met on the path of little Pasha Pivovarov. Seeing in the boy an amazing curiosity and love for books, the blacksmith invited him to his home, where he read aloud, observing all the rules of expressive reading, Victor Hugo's novel Les Miserables. Since then, the book has become the meaning of life for Pavel Savelevich Pivovarov.
In 1943 Pavel Pivovarov graduated from the 10th grade of Nikolskaya Secondary School and was immediately drafted into the Red Army. He served in a special machine gun battalion of the 125th Rifle Regiment. Then, as a cadet of the Kharkov Military Aviation School of Communications, he served in the fifth company. In one of the fights, he suffered a spinal injury. He was treated for a long time in a military hospital.
After the war, he worked as the head of the Bukhtarma district library. In 1948, he became a student of the Semipalatinsk Cultural Education School. Later he graduated from the History Department of the Semipalatinsk State Pedagogical Institute.
The love of classical literature, the awareness of its high purpose helped Pavel Savelyevich even in choosing a life partner. His wife was Anastasia Selantievna Shchur, a teacher of Russian language and literature, who gave the writer two daughters.
Under the strict guidance of his wife, Pavel Savelyevich began to read even more. Interest in the history of the native land has grown. Exemplary literature, its language and genre diversity prompted Pavel Savelyevich to take up the pen. The first story "Bukhtarma Dawns" about the Decembrist Matvey Muravyov-the Apostle (1949) was born.
The 90s of the XX century are the beginning of the most fruitful period in the work of Pavel Savelyevich Pivovarov. He writes books one after another and tries himself as a publisher. On his initiative, the first issue of the literary and artistic magazine "Vostok" was published in Ust-Kamenogorsk in 2001. Local prose writers and poets and P. S. Pivovarov himself begin to print their works in it.
Dozens of books, a four-volume collection of selected works - the result of the creative activity of the writer, publisher P. S. Pivovarov. He is characterized not only by an original style, but also by a variety of genres: tales, anecdotes, ditties, songs, stories, myths, novellas, fairy tales, novels.
Works of Pivovarov P. S.
Пивоваров П. С. Оборотни: Повесть; Пикантные истории : Рассказы / П. С. Пивоваров. - Усть-Каменогорск : Ветеран, 2002. - 204 с.
Пивоваров П. С. Время и судьбы : повести / П. С. Пивоваров. - Усть-Каменогорск : Медиа-Альянс, 2006. - 292 с.
Пивоваров П. Собрание сочинений в 4-х томах / П. Пивоваров. - Т. 1 : Дед ; Рассказы. - Усть-Каменогорск : [б. и.], 2010. - 352 с.
Пивоваров П. Собрание сочинений в 4-х томах / П. Пивоваров. - Т. 2. : Стихотворения и песни ; Драматические произведения. - Усть-Каменогорск : [б. и.], 2010. - 320 с.
Пивоваров П. Собрание сочинений в 4-х томах / П. Пивоваров. - Т. 3. : Расплата ; Дерзкие преступления. - Усть-Каменогорск : [б. и.], 2010. - 376 с.
Пивоваров П. Собрание сочинений в 4-х томах / П. Пивоваров. - Т. 4. : Непоколебимый ; Семейная хроника. - Усть-Каменогорск : [б. и.], 2010. - 352 с.
Literature about the life and work of Pivovarov P. S.
Павлу Пивоварову - 80 лет // Мәдениет жаршысы = Вестник культуры. - 2006. - №6. - С. 57-58.
Попова И. Жизнь, словно книгу, писал и читал... : [О писателе Пивоварове Павле Савельевиче] / И. Попова // Поэты, писатели - участники Великой Отечественной войны. - Алматы : ҚазАқпарат, 2009. - С. 374-422.
Бутакова, Г. Жизнь длиною в 85 лет : восточно-казахстанскому писателю, поэту, артисту, издателю, общественному деятелю Павлу Савельевичу Пивоварову 12 сентября исполнилось 85 лет / Г. Бутакова // Мәдениет жаршысы = Вестник культуры. - 2011. - N 10. - С. 14-15.