Известные имена

Mirogolov V.

Mirogolov Viktor FedorovichMirogolov Viktor Fedorovich (1939-1998) – writer, translator.

He was born on February 21, 1939 at the Kazanshunkyr mine in Semipalatinsk region (now East Kazakhstan region).

In 1961 he graduated from the Faculty of Geology and Geography of the Kazakh State University named after S. M. Kirov (now Al-Farabi Kazakh National University). He worked as a hydrogeologist engineer, head of the educational part at the school, held the positions of head of the department in the newspaper "Zolotaya Chukotka", deputy editor-in-chief of the association of documentary chronicles of the Kazakhfilm film studio named after Sh. Aimanov, deputy editor-in-chief of the publishing house "Zhazushy", and also worked in the magazine "Prostor".

On the pages of the press began to appear since 1959 . His books have been published several times in publishing houses in Moscow and Almaty.

He has written more than thirty scripts for documentaries and popular science films.

Russian translated the works of Kazakh writers A. Tarazi, D. Doszhanov, O. Bokeev, A. Nurshaikhov, trilogy and. Yesenberlina ""Altyn Orda" ("Golden Horde").

Died in 1998

 Works of Mirogolov V. F.


Мироглов, В. Голоса тишины [Текст] : повесть / В. Мироглов. - М., 1976.

Мироглов, В. Каждый за всех [Текст] : повесть / В. Мироглов. - М., 1982.

Мироглов, В. Роза ветров [Текст] : повести и рассказы / В. Мироглов. – Алма-Ата, 1983.

Мироглов, В. Ф. Перегон [Текст] : роман, повесть / В. Мироглов ; [худож. Г. Горелов]. - Алма-Ата : Жазушы, 1990. - 398 с.

 Books translated by Mirogolov V. F.

Бокеев, О. Поезда идут мимо [Текст] : роман, повесть / О. Бокеев ; пер. с каз. В. Мироглов, А. Кончиц. - Алматы : Жазушы, 1985. - 400 с.

Есенберлин, И. Золотая Орда [Текст] : роман : в 3 кн. / И. Есенберлин ; пер. С каз. В. Мироглов. - Алма-Ата : Жазушы, 1989. - 508 с. 

 Literature about Mirogolov V. F.

Қазақстан жазушылары [Мәтін] : анықтамалық. – Алматы : Ан Арыс баспасы, 2009. - 480 б.

Литература Казахстана [Текст] : энциклопедический справочник. - Алматы, 2010. - Мироголов Виктор: с. 341.

Шығыс Қазақстан облысы [Мәтін] : энциклопедия. - Алматы: «Қазақ энциклопедиясы». - 2014. - Мироглов Виктор Федотович: б. 532-533.