Известные имена

Bayguzhinov K. A.

Baiguzhinov Kenzhebek AkanovichBayguzhinov Kenzhebek Akanovich (1956) – poet, publicist, translator, President of the literary home «Arbaat».

He was born on 8 April in Kemerovo (Russia). He and his family moved to Kazakhstan in 1961. Bayguzhinov graduated the school of communication, philology faculty of the Semipalatinsk Pedagogical Institute named after Krupskaya. He worked as a teacher and a journalist. He also served as a consultant socio-political department of the akim of Semey oblast, a director of the literary-memorial museum of Fyodor Dostoyevsky. He is the winner of the international poetry contest in Novosibirsk Academic town (1980), the meeting of young poets in Kazakhstan in Taldy-Kurgan (1981), poetry festival «Zhiger» in Alma-Ata (1988).
He is the author of four books of poetry: «The conquest of peaks» (1995), «Red renegades» (1999), «Tenderness» (2002), «The Prayer of Love» (2003), the editor and compiler of the collection literary articles «The Tribunal thought», which was dedicated to the works of the poet Olzhas Suleimenov. In recent years he worked as the director of the Semipalatinsk Regional History Museum.


Байгужинов К. Мононациональная республика нам не грозит / К. Байгужинов // Наше дело. - 2001. - 24 авг.
Гайнуллина Ф. А. Кенжебек Байгужинов // Гайнуллина Ф. А. Литература Семипалатинского Прииртышья. - Семипалатинск, 2002. - С. 128 - 129.