Известные имена

Gorbachev N. A.

Gorbachev Nikolay AndreyevichGorbachev Nikolay Andreyevich (1923-2000) – a writer

He was born in the Balgyn village of Katon-Karagay district of East Kazakhstan region. He graduated from the seven-year period in the Caucasus, Rostov Marine College. From October 1942-1948 he was in the Soviet Army, a veteran of World War II. In the 1960 he worked in the offices of «Moscow» magazine, «October», published stories and essays. His first book is «The Return» (1961). Trilogy about fundamental changes in the army: «Give a foothold», «Shock force», «Battle».




Тихоновская П. "Я исполнил свой сыновний долг": [К 75-летию со дня рождения Н.А.Горбачева]// Лениногорская правда.- 1998.-28 авг.
Черных С. Под небом Алтая.- Алма-Ата: Жазушы, 1988.- 288 с.
Черных С. На стремнине// Черных С.. Под небом Алтая: Статьи.- Алма-Ата: Жазушы, 1988.- С. 261-283