Zubov Valery (1956) – a poet
He was born on 21 July in Permian. Since 1976 he lives in Semey oblast. He graduated the historical faculty of the Semipalatinsk Pedagogical Institute. In 1994 he graduated the Institute of Management, Economics and Forecasting under the President of Kazakhstan in Almaty. He worked in the Komsomol and party work.
In 1998-1999 his collections were published «One hundred poems about love», «I gave you a star», «Eternal dispute». In the 2000-2002-s «Attitude», «Sacristy», «Favorites», «The color of passion», «Unsent letter», «Back in Bali».
Базанов В. С любовью к женщине / В. Базанов // Спектр. - 1999. - 24 марта. - С. 14.
Валерий Зубов // Писатели Семипалатинского региона. - Семипалатинск, 2006. - С. 26-27.