Ivanov Anatoly Stepanovich (1928-1999) – journalist, writer, screenwriter
He was born in Shemonaikha of East Kazakhstan oblast. While studying at the Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov he began to write correspondence, articles and essays, published in the pages of the Semipalatinsk newspaper «Priirtyshskaya Pravda», which came to a permanent job after graduation. After demobilization from the Soviet Army, he worked as an editor of the newspaper «Lenin's banner» of Moszkowski district of Novosibirsk region. The first story «Rain» was published in the «Peasant Woman» magazine (1954). The first book «Alkin Songs» was published in Novosibirsk in 1956.
He is the author of the novels «Povitel» (1958), «Shadows at Noon» (1963), the novels «Eternal Call» (1963-1975), «Life on this sinful earth» (1971), «Feud» (1979). For many years he worked in the offices of «Siberian Lights» magazines, «Young Guard» (1972-1999 – a chief editor), secretary of the Board of the Union of Writers of the USSR and the Moscow writers' organization.
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