Известные имена

Ivanusyev-Altaysky M. F.

Ivanusyev-Altaysky Mikhail Fedorovich (1903-1937) – poet, writer, journalist

He was born in the Shushenskoye village of Minusinsk district of Enisei province. After graduating the Semipalatinsk Institute of Public Education he taught social studies and history at the Pedagogical College and school second stage Lunacharsky in Ust-Kamenogorsk.
In 1924, in the journal «Altay Hunter» were printed his poems «Parade of October» and «Stitches sable», in the newspaper «The peasant labor» was published the story «The black hole». His poems, short stories and essays were printed in the newspapers «Change», «Steppe Pravda» and others.
In 1924-1928 was a head of Ust-Kamenogorsk literary association «Link Altay». In 1926-1931 he worked in the offices of the Kazakhstan newspaper «Steppe truth» (Semipalatinsk) and «Soviet steppe» (Alma-Ata). His journalistic talent manifested in a series of essays «Swamp», «Mechanized Turksib», «Black Gold», «Rails path to riches Kenderlyk», «Steppe factory», «For Ayagoz», «Go caravans», «City without a past», «Bread edge», «Eagles», «Protecting the rich land», «Kochegarka Kazakhstan» and others. Essays were the basis of his books «The attack giants» (1930), «North-east» (1931). In 1931 he worked in the newspapers «Volga commune» and «Collective farm life», created a poem called «Scouts» and a number of other works. In 1934 he worked in the newspaper «Kazakhstanskaya Pravda» and the journal «Literature and art of Kazakhstan», translated the works of M.Auezov.


Черных С. Время взлета// Черных С.. Под небом Алтая: Статьи.- Алма-Ата: Жазушы, 1988.- С. 17-55

Черных С. "Звено Алтая"// Черных С.. Начало положила крепость...: Сборник очерков, статей/ Управление архивами Восточно-Казахстанской области. Государственный архив Восточно-Казахстанской области; Сост. Л.П. Рифель.- Усть-Каменогорск: Б. и., 2004.- С. 71-72

Черных С. "Звено Алтая"// Черных С.. Под небом Алтая: Статьи.- Алма-Ата: Жазушы, 1988.- С. 6-16