Kobdikov Toleu (1874-1954) – akyn
He was born in the Dagan parish of the Karkarala County (now Ayagoz district, Barshatas village of East Kazakhstan oblast). At twelve years old he began to compose his first poems – improvisation. He repeatedly visited Abai. He listened to his stories, poems, about what wrote in his memoirs. All his life he considered his teacher Abai. His skill as akyn and improviser most clearly revealed in 1943-1946, when he took an active part in national and regional aitys.
His poems were published in the newspapers only during July and August in 1943: «In the foothills Akshoky», «Stretched wide steppe», «Our land is cleared of the enemy», and others.
In 1954 he was awarded the title «People's akyn Kazakh SSR».
Гайнуллина Ф.А. Литература Семипалатинского Прииртышья: Учебное пособие.- Семипалатинск: Б. и., 2002.- 132 с.: портр.
Монастырева З. Его голос звучит и сегодня: [К 125-летию акына Толеу Кобдикова]// Рудный Алтай.- 1999.-5 июня(вкл.)