Известные имена

Kuznetsov P. N.

Кузнецов Павел Николаевич

Kuznetsov Pavel Nikolaevich (1909-1967) – journalist, writer, poet, translator

He was born in the Soldatov village of the Michael Archangel Parish of Ust-Kamenogorsk district (now Katonkaragay district of East Kazakhstan oblast). During the First World War, his family moved to Ust-Kamenogorsk and in 1924 in Semey.
In the newspapers of Irtysh region was appeared his passionate stories, articles, essays, satires: «The Turkish commissioner», «Patriarch with Uba thresholds», «Owners of gold veins», «Pine Forest», «Potholes building sites». In twenty years, he became deputy editor of the newspaper «Lenin change». In 1930, he worked in the offices of the Samara newspaper «Kolkhoz newspaper» and «Volga commune» and Kazan «Red Tatarstan». In 1935 he returned to Almaty and worked in the newspaper edition «Kazakhstanskaya Pravda». He was the first editor, journalist and poet of the division newspaper «For the Motherland». On 31March, 1943 he was appointed war correspondent of the newspaper «Pravda».
Pavel Kuznetsov left a significant legacy in the field of journalism and literature and literary criticism, collections of essays «From Alma-Ata to Berlin» (1945), «The Great Friendship» (1948), «Hero of the Soviet Union I.V. Panfilov» (1948). He is the author of poetry collections «Nugget» (1937), «On the Irtysh shore» (1940), «Soldier's notebook» (1944), «Way-road» (1946), «Road book» (1962 ).
He translated lyrics of akyns: Orumbay, Tayzhan, Almabek, Karatay, Sartay.
In 1950 was published the first, in 1952 the second book by P. Kuznetsov. «Zhambyl is grandson of Istybay». In 1953 the novel was called «Man finds happiness».


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