Известные имена

Orazalinov S. Sh.

Оразалинов Султан Шарипович

Orazalinov Sultan Sharipovich (1941) – writer, literary critic, translator, playwright

He was born in Ayagoz of Semey (now East-Kazakhstan) oblast. He began his career in 1958, he was the literary staff of the Abai local newspaper. After graduating the philological faculty of the Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov, he worked as an editor, senior editor of the Kazakh Radio and Television, the chief editor of the literary and dramatic version of the daily program of the Kazakh television, a director of the publishing house «Oner» (Almaty).
The author of the monograph «The truth of life and fiction», of the television plays «The Fall of Otrar», «Marriage», «Death of a Poet», «The Fugitive», etc.
He translated into Kazakh language collection of stories V. Eremenko «Wait until morning», the novels of A. Khakimov «Dashing times».



Султан Оразалинов // Писатели Казахстана. - Алма-Ата, 1982.- С. 187.
Султан Оразалинов // Писатели Семипалатинского региона. - Семипалатинск, 2006. - С. 58.