Известные имена

Starkov V. V.

Старков Виталий ВасильевиStarkov Vitaly Vasilevich (1935-2011) – a writer

He was born on 8 January in Semey oblast. He studied at the cinematography faculty of Scenario-Union State Institute. He began his career as artistic director of the department of culture Makanchi district of Semipalatinsk region, worked as a senior editor of a film studio «Kazakhfilm», editor of the publishing house «Zhazushy». From January 1978 he worked as the editor of the magazine critics «Prostor».
He was writing for children and young people. In his scenario, filmed feature film «He is our son» (Alma-Ata, «Kazakhfilm», 1959). He is an author of the storybooks «Irtysh Sunflowers» (1971), two novels «Applicants» (1974), «What’s wrong, boy?» (1977), and a collection of stories «After the Spring Waters» (1979). He was a member of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan. Since 2005, he lived in Israel.



Писатели Казахстана [Текст] : справочник. - Алма-Ата : Жазушы, 1982. - 280 с.

Писатели Семипалатинского региона [Текст] : био-библиографический указатель / Семипалатинская универсальная научная библиотека им. Абая. - Семипалатинск : Талант, 2006. - 82 с.