Известные имена

Tleuhanov T.

Тлеуханов ТулекTleuhanov Tulek (1939) – a writer

He was born on 18 June in the farm «Bakanassky» of the Shubartau district of Semey oblast. In 1964 he graduated the philological faculty of the Kazakh State University named after S. Kirov.
From 1964-1969 he was engaged in teaching activities. He worked as a head teacher, then director of the secondary school. Since 1974 he worked as a senior editor, head of the department of the publishing house «Zhazushy».
Tulek Tleuhanov began to be published in 1964. He published collections of short stories and novels «Neighbor» («Young neighbor») in 1971, the novel «Bright Soul» («Good soul») in 1973, «Our Fathers» in 1984, the novel «Prologue to Life» 1981 and others.
T. Tleuhanov translated into Kazakh language works of A. Marshall, A. Plavaka, Hakim Nasir, A. Belyaev and others.



Календарь знаменательных и памятных дат Семейского региона ВКО на 2009год.- Семей, 2008.- С.13-14
Писатели Семипалатинского региона: Био-библиографический указатель / Сост. Мальцева О. – Семипалатинск: Талант, 2006.- С.73-74