Titaev Eugene Alekseevich (1957) – children’s writer, poet, journalist
He was born on 29 December in Semey oblast.
After graduating the secondary school he enrolled in medical school.
While he was in medical school, he began to attend literary association «Irtysh lights». His poems, short stories, novels and tales often published in the newspapers, magazines: «Doctor Knock» (Almaty, 1982), «Irtyshanka» (collective collection, Alma-Ata), «Horizon» (Almaty, 1986). Soon Eugene Titaev tried his hand at prose, writing short stories. In 1986 in the publishing house «Zhalyn» was published the book «Tales of my city», which included six short stories – tales. The story – a fairy tale «The Road sorcerers» was published in 1995, in the national magazine «Prostor».
Гайнуллина Ф. Литература Семипалатинского Прииртышья. - Семипалатинск, 2002.- С. 126-127.
Коваленко М. Истории от Евгении Титаева // Вести Семей.- 2011.- 26 апреля.- С.3.
Петрова Д. Стихи и ноты // Наше дело.- 2010.- 6 мая.- С. 9.
Ром Л. Делиться талантом – счастье // Спектр.-2010.- 5 мая. - С. 5.
Стихи, музыка, стихи // Спектр.- 2009.- 4 ноября. - С. 2.