Известные имена

Filatov V. M.

Filatov Valentin Mikhailovich (1924) – a writer

He was born on 18 July in Semey oblast. He participated in the battles in the Great Patriotic War.
In 1947 he graduated the journalism faculty of the Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov. From 1947 to 1963 he worked as an employee of the republican newspaper «Lenin change» and «Kazakhstanskaya Pravda». Since 1963 he was on a creative work.
His first novel «On the Mouse» was published in 1961. In 1970 he published a collection of stories «February is short month».


Писатели Семипалатинского региона: Био-библиографический указатель / Сост. Мальцева О. – Семипалатинск: Талант, 2006.- С.75