Kazykenov Zhadiger Yessimkhanovich (1939-2016) - excellent student of national education of the Kazakh SSR and the USSR, winner of awards of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.He was born on December 5, 1939 in the village of Verkh- Berezovka, Katon-Karagay district, East Kazakhstan Region. He began his career in 1956 as a worker at the Altay state farm in the Katon-Karagay district.
From 1959-1967 he worked as a primary school teacher in various schools in the Katon-Karagay Region. In 1967 he was appointed deputy director at the Berezovskaya school. In August 1971, he was appointed for the position of director at the same school. In 1973 he was transferred to the post as a director of the Urylsk secondary school.In the same year he received the title of "Excellent worker of public education of the Kazakh SSR." On August 13, 1986 he was appointed as a director of the Novo-Yavlenskaya school of the Tavricheskiy district. In 1990 he was appointed as a director of the boarding school named after V.I. Lenin in Ust-Kamenogorsk city, appointed to educate children of the region’s shepherds. Kazykenov Zhadiger Yesimkhanovich made a major overhaul of the educational institution, carried out large-scale career guidance work in the villages, filled the classes with students, and introduced new ideas.In 1991, the boarding school was transformed by Kazykenov Zh.E. into the regional Kazakh lyceum-boarding school of the polytechnic direction. The development of the lyceum was aimed at a gradual transition to professional education. In this regard, Zhadyger Yesimkhanovich developed practice-oriented courses in the specialties of economics, ecology, technical researches, which provided good results. University days were also practiced at the school: teachers of universities of the regional center conducted classes in the disciplines of the technical direction. In those years, this practice was carried out only in this school.Thanks to the efforts and innovative initiatives of Kazykenov Zhadiger Yesimkhanovich, the educational institution is further transformed into the East Kazakhstan Regional Technical and Economic 12-year-old boarding school (decision of the akim of the East Kazakhstan Region dated on July 06, 1999 # 709). The educationsystemat the lyceum started from the 7th grade and covered up to the 12th grade. On his initiative, for the first time in East Kazakhstan, the final exams at the lyceum were combined with the entrance exams to the university. Such a new educational structure had no analogues in the CIS: "lyceum-college-university" with its own curriculum, charter, regulations.
Kazykenov Zhadiger Yesimkhanovich also constantly provided teachers with scientific and methodological assistance in improving their pedagogical skills: lyceum teachers received the title of "Excellent worker in education of the Republic of Kazakhstan", diplomas of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Thanks to the support and parting words of Kazykenov Zh.Y. lyceum pupils effectively took part in regional and republican olympiads. Almost every graduate of this lyceum was able to realize himself as a professional: many currently work in education, in government structures, contribute to the science and culture of Kazakhstan, and develop the real sector of the economy.
Kazykenov Zhadiger Yesimkhanovich was not only a competent organizer and leader, but also a talented teacher. As a teacher of the Russian language and literature Kazykenov Zh.Y. conducted his lessons at a high scientific theoretical level, developed oratorical abilities in children, their cognitive and mental activity, independence, and also encouraged creative writing initiatives.
In the style of his work, democracy, exactingness to himself and the team, punctuality, honesty, and sensitivity have always prevailed. He tried to create such working and learning conditions in which each employee and student felt social security.
Talented, businesslike, energetic and hard-working leader had a fairly high scientific and theoretical background, creatively approached the organization of the educational process, he was in constant creative search.
Kazykenov Zhadiger Yesimkhanovich made an invaluable contribution to the Kazakh education system. He developed proposals for the Ministry of Education of Kazakhstan on the development of lyceums, gymnasiums and gifted children, on the enrollment of graduates in universities without entrance exams based on the results of republican Olympiads, on changes and improvement of the financial situation of boarding schools, on the provision of a state grant to third-year students entering after college. His proposals were accepted and introduced into the life of the public education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Kazykenov Zhadiger Yesimkhanovich, undoubtedly, was an innovative person who contributed to the development of the education system of Kazakhstan, brought up a generation of educated, intelligent, inquisitive, hardworking, responsible people with high moral standards.
After his retirement, he took an active part in the social life of the Novoyavlenka village, where he spent the last years of his life. Zhadiger Yesimkhanovich died in Ust-Kamenogorsk, the village of Novoyavlenka on November 3, 2016.
Publications by Zh. E. Kazykenov in periodicals
Қазыкенов Ж. Интернатта оқып жүр... : [Облыстық қазақ лицей-интернатының бүгінгі тыныс-тіршілігінен] / Қазыкенов Ж. // Дидар. - 1995. - 28 ақпан.
Қазыкенов Ж. Терең білім жолында : [Өскемендегі политехникалық бағыттағы қазақ лицей-интернаты жайында] / Қазыкенов Ж. // Дидар. - 1996. - 19 қазан.
Қазыкенов Ж. Жәдігер Қазыкеновтің жаңа моделі. : [Өскемен қаласындағы политехникалық бағыттағы облыстық қазақ лицей интернаты директорымен әңгімелескен С. Әліпбаев] / Ж. Қазыкенов // Дидар. - 1999. - 29 мамыр.
Қазыкенов Ж. Аякөз атауы қайдан шыққан? / Ж. Қазыкенов // Дидар. - 2002. - 9 қараша. - Б. 5
Қазыкенов Ж. Атаулар тарихы әріде : [Жер, су, ел атауларының тарихынан] / Ж. Қазыкенов // Дидар. - 2002. - 7 желтоқсан. - Б. 5
Казыкенов, Ж. Спешите делать добро : [о ВК техн.-экон.12-лет.лицее-интернате (бывш. школа-интернат им. Ленина)] / Ж. Казыкенов // Семь дней. - 1999. - 16 сент. - С. 3
Литература о Казыкенове Ж. Е.
Кітаптар - Книги
Әліпбаев С. Жәдігердің мектебі : Деректі ғұмырнамалық кітап / Әліпбаев С., Тоқпатаев У. - Өскемен : Шығыс баспа, 1999. - 147 б.
Анамдай әлпештеген Асқар Алтай : [Мәтін] / Б. Қапанов. - Өскемен : [б. и.], 2011. - 566 б.
Мақалалар - Статьи
Есімбек, О. Жәдігер Қазыкеновтың жаңа моделі... : [Он екі жылдық Шығыс Қазақстан облыстық техникалық-экономикалық лицей-интернатының директорымен сұхбат. Білім берудің жаңа жүйесі туралы] / О. Есімбек // Қазақстан мұғалімі. - 2001. - № 22-23. - Б. 6
Волкова, С. Просветитель : [о Казыкенове Жадыгере Есимхановиче] / С. Волкова // Голос Востока. - 2001. - 12 октября. - С. 9-10