Известные имена

Bekmetev M.-M.Kh.

Bekmetov (Bekmetev) Muhammad-Maksut KhamidollaulyBekmetev (Bekmetov) Muhammad-Maksut Khamidollauly (1883-1912) was a Kazakh public figure, publicist, member of the Alash movement.

He was born in 1883 in Karkaraly district, Semipalatinsk region (now East Kazakhstan region) in a wealthy family.

He received his primary education in Karkaralinsk, then studied in Omsk and St. Petersburg. He devoted all his free time to self-education, mastered the heritage of Russian and foreign writers, studied illegal political literature, participated in secret circles. His articles and stories were published on the pages of a number of newspapers, in particular, in the Kirghiz Steppe Gazette (Omsk), exposing autocracy, police arbitrariness, bribery of officials, calling on the people to actively fight against the colonization policy of tsarism. In 1900-1906 . he served as a fifth-class official in a postal and telegraph office in Omsk. Here he went through a great revolutionary school, actively made speeches at rallies, mayevks, meetings, participated in demonstrations. Carrying out propaganda work among the Kazakh population, he distributed political leaflets and proclamations by telegraph, transmitted revolutionary appeals, delayed telegraphic orders of the tsarist authorities. As politically unreliable, he was under police supervision.

In July 1905, at the Kuyanda Fair, he was one of the authors of the Karkarala petition, which was signed by 14,500 people.

In the November days of 1905, M. Bekmetev became one of the organizers and leaders of the strike of workers of the postal telegraph office in Omsk. In 1906, he was arrested and exiled to hard labor for participating in a general strike of postal and telegraph service workers on charges of state crimes, for insulting the emperor, agitation and propaganda against the existing system. He was imprisoned in Karkarala prison for a period of 3 months.

After the expiration of the term of arrest, M. Bekmetev, by order of the Governor-General, was subject to expulsion from the Steppe Region. Bekmetev chose the city of Kazan as his place of residence, where he arrived on June 22, 1906. He was publicly supervised by the police. On June 29, 1906, he was allowed to return to Omsk. Being here under police supervision, he again continues his agitation work against autocracy among the population. Where he becomes the author of socio-political, cultural and educational articles. The tsarist okhrana, which monitored Bekmetev's actions, sends him to an eternal settlement in the Orenburg Region. In 1909, in the newspaper "Speech" (St. Petersburg), he demanded the release of A. Baitursynov from Semipalatinsk prison. In the same year, Bekmetev's collection "Kazak olenderi" ("Kazakh poems", Kazan) was published. His health, undermined after the first penal servitude, was getting worse every day. In the magazine "Aikap" (No. 2 for 1912) it was reported that Bekmetev died of tuberculosis on February 9, 1912 in Orenburg.


The works of Bekmetev (Bekmetov) M.-M.


Бекметев, М.-М. Киргизский поэт [Текст] / М.-М. Бекметев // Оренбургский край. - 1909. - № 394.


Literature about Bekmetev (Bekmetov) M.-M.


Бекметов, Мухаммед-Максут Хамидоллаулы // Казахстан. Национальная энциклопедия. Т. 1. - Алматы: Қазақ энциклопедиясы, 2004.

Алаш. Алашорда [Мәтін] : энциклопедия. - Алматы : Арыс, 2009. - 544 б. - Бекметев Мұхамед-Мақсұт: б. 100.

Мүнәқыб [Мәтін] : [Бекметев Мұхамед-Мақсұт туралы] // Айқап. - 1912. - № 2.


Темиргалиева, К. Многое сделал, но успел не все [Электронный ресурс] : [О Бекметеве М.-М.] / К. Темиргалиева // Индустриальная Караганда. - 1999. - 1 декабря. С. 12.


Internet links 


Бекметьева, Ж. Бір ғимараттың тарихы немесе Бекметевтер әулеті [Электрондық ресурс] : [Бекметевтер туралы] / Ж. Бекметьева // Алаш айнасы : сайт. – Пайдалану орны : http://alashainasy.kz/userdata/editions/pdf/0f486f9266a661c8744e9156883d63a2.pdf (08.02.2017)

Бекметов, Мухаммед-Максут Хамидоллаулы [Электронный ресурс] : [биография] // Википедия – открытая энциклопедия : сайт. – Режим доступа : https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%91%D0%B5%D0%BA%D0%BC%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B2,_%D0%9C%D1%83%D1%85%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%B4-%D0%9C%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%81%D1%83%D1%82_%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%83%D0%BB%D1%8B (08.02.2017)

Сардабек, К. Легенды и правда о руднике Гулшат [Электронный ресурс] : [о Бекметевых] / К. Сардабек // Балхашский работник : сайт. – Режим доступа : http://brgazeta.kz/-2013-/97-29-190713/1354-2013-08-01-09-01-21.html (08.02.2017)

Темиргалиева, К. Многое сделал, но успел не все [Электронный ресурс] : [О Бекметеве М.-М.] / К. Темиргалиева // Карагандинская областная универсальная научная библиотека им. Н. В. Гоголя : сайт. – Режим доступа : http://catalog.karlib.kz/irbis64r_01/Kraeved/Istoriya_Karkaraly/Mnogo_sdelal_no_uspel_ne_vse.pdf (08.02.2017)

Шарангина, Н. Обратная связь [Электронный ресурс] : [о Бекметеве М.-М.] / Н. Шарангина // Гасырлар авазы=Эхо веков : сайт. – Режим доступа : http://www.archive.gov.tatarstan.ru/magazine/go/anonymous/main/?path=mg:/numbers/1996_3_4/08_/01/ (08.02.2017)

БЕКМЕТОВ МУХАММЕД-МАКСУТ ХАМИДОЛЛАУЛЫ [Электронный ресурс] : [биография] // kazinform - Международное информационное агенство : сайт. – Режим доступа : http://lenta.inform.kz/ru/bekmetov-muhammed-maksut-hamidollauly_a2373406(08.02.2017)