Yenseuly Tangyt (1879-1952) – public figure, founder, supporter of the Alash movement.
Born in 1879 in China in Tarbagatay region in Dorbildzhinskiy district (near the border with East Kazakhstan region). When his father Yense went on a pilgrimage, he left his son Tangyt as a volost leader instead. Tangyt held this post from 1897 to 1936. For his justice and sanity, he earned the trust of the people. Tangyt paid great attention to the enlightenment of the people. During the Civil War , A. Baitursynov, M. Dulatov and R. Marsekov, aspiring figures of the Alash movement, when crossing the border of China, asked to meet with local Chinese Kazakhs. Tangyt was not against this request and organized a meeting in the town of Shaushek in the Tarbagatay region together with the heads of four volosts. However, the Soviet government found out about the purpose of the arrival of the Alashordins and the meeting did not take place.
In 1944, when the Republic of East Turkestan was being created, Tangyt gathered soldiers and provided material assistance. For which he was awarded the Order of Independence of the Government of East Turkestan (1946).
In 1933, together with the Dungans, he participated in an armed uprising against the Chinese government. After his suppression in 1938, the local government of China sentenced him to 10 years and sentenced him not to leave China.
After the Communist Party came to China, Tangyt Yenseuly was accused of involvement in Alashorda and of opposing the Soviet government. In 1952, he was sentenced to death by firing squad.
Таңғыт Еңсеұлы туралы әдебиеттері
Литература о Тангыте Енсеулы
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Айбын[Мәтін] : энциклопедия / бас ред. Б.Ө.Жақып. – Алматы: Қазақ энциклопедиясы, 2011. - 880 б.
Қаниұлы, М. Таңғыт үкірдай [Мәтін] : [Қытай жеріндегі құлыстай қазақтарының аға сұлтаны болған қазақ азаматы Таңғыт үкірдай жайында] / М. Қаниұлы // Жұлдыз. - 2000. - № 2. - Б. 131-137.
Шығыс Түркістан һәм «Алаш қозғалысы» идеясы [Электрондық ресурс] : [Таңғыт Еңсеұлы туралы] // : сайт. – Режим доступа : (07.02.2017)
Таңғыт Еңсеұлы [Электрондық ресурс] : [өмірбаян] // Уикипедия – ашық энциклопедиясы : сайт. – Режим доступа :Таңғыт_Еңсеұлы