Известные имена

Ашимбеков С.

ashimbekov saparbek

Ashimbekov Saparbek (1942-2020) - actor, composer, cultural figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Saparbek Ashimbekov was born on January 24, 1942 in the village of Konystan, Abyralinsky district, East Kazakhstan region. In 1959 he graduated from the Sergiopol boarding school of the Ayagoz region. He entered the Tulebaev Music College and graduated with a degree in orchestra of folk instruments. In 1966 he graduated from the Semipalatinsk Music College. M. Tulebaeva, specializing in dombra.

He began his career in 1966 at the Kazakh Music and Drama Theater named after Abai. Since then he has been working in this art center. For about twenty years he headed the music department at the theater.

In 1974-1976, the Melodiya studio released records with a collection of songs by Saparbek Ashimbekov. He has a number of performances to his credit, including: “Dosymnyn uilenui”, “Uylengim kelmeydi”, “Toiym-toy”, Anim sen edin”, “Menin atym Kozha”, “Mahabbat nege oyanbady?”

Saparbek Ashimbekov wrote more than 150 songs and melodies: “Kelshi kurbym”, “Tyraulaidy tyrnalar”, “Zhailau edi”, “Dariga zhurek”, “Kyz sozi”, as well as musical compositions based on Abai's verses and many others. He is the author of kyuis "Syrlasu", "Sayat", "Dauyldatkan karasha", "Nur-Astana".

He has the badges "The best worker of culture" of the Kazakh SSR and "The best worker of the trade union of the Kazakh SSR", a member of the Union of composers of the Irtysh region of the Republic of Kazakhstan, "Worker of culture" of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Has a badge "Worker of culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2004), still works at the Music and Drama Theatre. Abay city of Semey. In 2014, he played the role of Biya in the documentary "Kunanbai". On December 15, 2014 he was awarded the Order "Kurmet" of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

He died on August 28, 2020 in Semey.

Internet links

Ашимбеков Сапаргали [Электронный ресурс]: [Творческая биография] // Официальный сайт музыкально-драматического театра им. Абая. – Режим доступа: http://teatr-abai.kz/teatr-abaya/artisty/ashimbekov-saparbek.html

Ашимбеков Сапаргали. Некролог. http://forum.guns.ru/forummessage/15/2591436-m61262716.html