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Abramov N. A.

Abramov Nikolai Alekseevich (1812-1870) - explorer of the region.

Born in 1812 in the city of Kurgan, Tobolsk province. His father, a priest, was also a teacher of the Tatar language. The future historian studied at the Tobolsk Seminary. Having finished it, he himself began to teach the Tatar language to the Siberian Bursaks.

In 1836-1842, he taught at the Tobolsk district school and studied in the archives of the former Siberian capital, looking through the treasures accumulated there.

In 1841, one of the first printed works of N. Abramov, "Guesses about the meaning of the names of some places in the Tobolsk province," was published in the journal "Ministry of Public Education". In this article, the researcher explained the origin of the names of the rivers Irtysh, Tura, Tobol. In 1851-1853, N. Abramov served in Tyumen, as an overseer of the county school, and then moved to Omsk.

When the Semipalatinsk region was formed, the Governor-General of Western Siberia G. H. Gosford appointed him an adviser to the new regional government, and in 1854 he moved to Semipalatinsk. It was here that N. Abramov showed his remarkable abilities as a tracker and explorer of the region and began to collect data on the history of Semipalatinsk. This is evidenced by an excerpt from the book: "Already in 1855, N. Abramov was present at the excavation of one of the ancient tombs on the site of the Seven Chambers ..." (vol. 2, p. 361).

Since 1857, the Semipalatinsk historian has written many articles, some of them, such as "Seven Chambers", which gave the name to Semipalatinsk, "The Grave Pyramid in the Kirghiz Steppe", were published in the Tobolsk Gubernskie Vedomosti. In 1861, a large essay "The Regional City of Semipalatinsk" was published. In it, he examines the historical period, the main events preceding the time when Vasily Cheredov founded the Semipalatinsk fortress on the banks of the Irtysh.

He wrote about how in 1757 the famous Dzungarian prince Amursana appeared in the Sempalatinsk fortress, asking for asylum and protection from the Badykhan invaders. Abramov also spoke about the brutal extermination by the Manchu punishers in 1758 of more than one million Dzungars.

The work of N. A. Abramov about Semipalatinsk aroused great interest and enjoyed great success. Already in 1862 it was reprinted in London in the journal of the Royal Geographical Society.

Meanwhile, Ust-Kamenogorsk and Kokpekty attracted his attention. In 1863, an article by N. Abramov on the history of Ust-Kamenogorsk was published.

In 1858-59, he explored a stone monument-mausoleum erected in honor of Bayan-sulu and Kozy Korpesh and published the results in the form of two works in the publications of the Archaeological Society.

The objects of research by N. Abramov were not only East Kazakhstan and Siberia. During business trips to Semirechye, he made meteorological observations and looked for traces of ancient structures. The value of his research for science can be seen even from the titles of his published articles "Almaty or the fortification of Vernoe with its environs" (1867), "The Lepsa River" (1861), "The Grand Opening of the Kapal District Order" (1857 .), "The city of Kapal with its district" (1862), etc.

N. A. Abramov died in 1870 in Semipalatinsk, leaving dozens of works on the history of the peoples of Siberia and Kazakhstan.

Literature about N.A. Abramov:

Алексеенко Н. В. Хранители памяти.- Алма-Ата:Казахстан, 1988. - 144 с.

Султанов О. Неутомимый летописец - наш земляк: [О географе, краеведе, исследователе Семипалат. региона Н. А. Абрамове] // Иртыш. - 1998. -30 июля. - С. 3