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Beloslyudov V. N.



Beloslyudov Alexei Nikolaevich (1887-1939) - local historian, teacher.

Alexey Nikolaevich Beloslyudov was born on March 16, 1887 in the city of Semipalatinsk (now Semey) in the family of a poor official from the Siberian Cossacks. He graduated from the 7th grade of the Semipalatinsk male gymnasium and was expelled from it in 1906 for participating in the work of illegal sections. At this time, Alexei Nikolayevich was engaged in self-education a lot and in 1908 he passed the exams for the title of teacher in an elementary school.

From 1908 to 1915 he taught at Veselo-Yarsky, Laptevo-Logovsky, Zmeinogorsky and Bykovsky elementary schools. The village of Bykovo was located in the Bukhtarma valley. Alexei Nikolaevich Beloslyudov came here in 1913 to teach. He was fascinated by the richness of the nature of the region. Here the talent of the collector was especially clearly manifested. During the winter of 1913/14 academic year, Alexey Nikolaevich heard and wrote down many fairy tales. He especially liked to listen to the oldest resident of the village, Fyodor Pervov. In the state archive of the East Kazakhstan region there is a notebook with rough notes of fairy tales, poems, recorded by Alexei Nikolaevich in different places.

Since 1916, Aleksey Nikolaevich worked in the national economy of the region: as a statistician of the agricultural census, a plant pest control technician, an instructor in the county and provincial departments of education, head of the agricultural departments of the provincial Union, head of the historical and archaeological department of the museum. From 1930 to 1935, Alexey Nikolaevich worked as a teacher in secondary specialized educational institutions in the city of Semipalatinsk (now Semey). Then the family moved to Alma-Ata, where in October 1939 he died of pulmonary tuberculosis. Buried - in Alma-Ata (now Almaty).

Throughout his life, Alexei Nikolayevich was engaged in local history. While still a high school student, Aleksey visited the Semipalatinsk Museum, helped design expositions, sort out the funds. At the same time, he met the famous local historian father Boris Georgievich Gerasimov, who introduced him to local history work. Together with his brothers in 1906, Alexey Nikolayevich opened a home museum, which was known in Semipalatinsk as the museum of the Beloslyudov brothers. The Beloslyudov brothers collected collections with great tenacity. In the vicinity of Semipalatinsk, they collected a large number of archaeological finds: knives, jugs, arrowheads, jewelry, ancient coins. In terms of the significance of the exhibits, the museum of the Beloslyudov brothers was not inferior to the Semipalatinsk city museum. The following departments were formed in it: geology and mineralogy, paleontology and anthropology, prehistoric archeology, antiques (books, manuscript drawings), numismatics, ethnography, art gallery. Particularly rich were the departments of numismatics - more than 1000 coins and prehistoric archeology - over 600 items. In total, the museum had over 4,000 items. The museum was very popular with the townspeople. At the first West Siberian exhibition, the museum of the Beloslyudov brothers was awarded the Small Silver Medal. Subsequently, part of the museum's collection was transferred to the Semipalatinsk Regional Museum. The state archive of the East Kazakhstan region stores a chronological catalog of collections and an inventory book of exhibits of the museum of the Beloslyudov brothers.

Collecting monuments of material culture and ethnography involves participation in expeditions. Alexei Nikolaevich made various expeditions on numerous occasions. In 1909, the brothers set off on an ethnographic expedition to the area of ​​Lake Zaisan. In the summer of 1910, 1911, he took part in an archaeological expedition in the vicinity of Ust-Kamenogorsk and Zaisan, led by Kamensky V.I., head of the archeology department of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The purpose of this expedition was to plot all the archaeological sites of this vast region on a two-verst map, excavate small burial mounds, stamp ancient inscriptions on monuments, explore ancient cave dwellings, and explore the Chud mines. Chetyrkin and local archaeologist Beloslyudov will take part in the expedition.

A.N. Beloslyudov was fond of collecting folklore. He recorded more than 200 fairy tales, 97 riddles, more than 100 songs. The collected material was published in the Siberian newspapers "Life of Altai", "Siberian Life". So in the newspaper "Life of Altai" for 1913 several publications were published under the general title "Sketches from Bukhtarma". There also appeared publications of fairy tales recorded by Alexei Nikolaevich. A.N. Beloslyudov published under the pseudonyms "Tramp", "Semipalatinets", "A.B."

(based on the article by I.V. Durnov «Alexey Nikolaevich Beloslyudov - a researcher of the region»)

Literature about A.N. Beloslyudovo

Черных, С. Собиратель сказок Алексей Белослюдов [Текст] / С. Черных // Рудный Алтай. - 1969. - 3 апреля.

Турсумбекова, Р. Гребенщиков и Белослюдовы [Текст] / Р. Турсумбекова // ЛЗ: Сегодня. - 2003. - 11 июня. - С. 2.

Дурново, И. Белослюдов о Панкратьеве [Текст] / И. Дурново // Рудный Алтай. - 2005. - 3 ноября. - С. 8.

Кущ, Г. У истока из каменных гор [Текст] : [история археологических раскопок близ Усть-Каменогорской крепости] / Г. Кущ // Семь дней. - 2010. - 17 июня. - С. 6. ; Мәдениет жаршысы . - 2010.; №8. - С. 16-17.

Обухов В. В Беловодье - большим Артышем [Текст] : [о путешествии староверов в Китай в поисках Беловодья] / В. Обухов // Семь дней. - 2010. - 7 января. - С. 9.

Гуляева Е. Сказки ученого революционера [Текст] : [о семипалатинском исследователе А. Белослюдове (1887-1939 гг.)] / Е. Гуляева // Рудный Алтай. - 2012. - 20 июля. - С. 19.

Дурново, И. Исследователь Прииртышья [Текст] : [об исследователе Восточного Казахстана А. Н. Белослюдове] / И. Дурново // 7 дней. - 2013. - 4 июля. - С. 9.

Урымбаева, Ж. Бесценные работы исследователей [Текст] / Ж. Урымбаева // Вести Семей. - 2014. - 30 сентября. - С. 5

Рябцовская, Л. Гомеры Бухтарминской долины [Текст] : [о легендах Восточного Казахстана] / Л. Рябцовская // Рудный Алтай. - 2015. - 19 марта. - С. 19.

Дурново, И. Алексей Николаевич Белослюдов – исследователь Алтая [Электронный ресурс]. – Государственный архив Восточно-Казахстанской области и его филиалы: сайт. – Режим доступа: http://e-arhiv.vko.gov.kz/ru/Page/Index/1617/vko (дата обращения 1.07.2020)