Tyskikh Mikhail Sergeevich (1922-2007) - poet, novelist, environmentalist, publicist, member of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan.
He was born on December 23 (November 9), 1922 in the city of Zmeinogorsk, Altai Krai. Mikhail Tyskikh spent his childhood and youth in the Shemonaikhinsky district and in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk. He studied at the Hydrometeorological Institute (Leninabad).
Mikhail Sergeyevich is a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, as well as a prisoner of the Stalin and Brezhnev camps, who was sentenced to death, escaped from the Pamir uranium tunnels, and hid under false names for two years... It is symbolic, but it was Mikhail Sergeyevich's mother who gave him life, who managed to give it to her son again. She lived in the village of Menovny, a suburb of Ust-Kamenogorsk, worked first as the chairman of the village council, and then as the chairman of the village Council. Several trips to Moscow allowed her to obtain a review of the criminal case. Mikhail Tyskikh was released, rehabilitated, returned to Ust-Kamenogorsk, where he headed the literary association "Link of Altai", worked in the editorial offices of the newspapers "Communism of Tuy" and "Bolshevik of Altai".
From 1949 until the mid-50s, Mikhail Tyskikh lived in Leninogorsk (now Ridder). He worked as a correspondent for the newspaper Leninogorskaya Pravda. He was published mainly under the pseudonym M. Tatarsky. He published several novels in magazines in Russia and Kazakhstan, and his philosophical and journalistic essays were published in periodicals. The works of M. S. Tyskikh were favorably reviewed by the Literary Gazette, Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, Izvestia.
M. S. Tyskikh atvor of the poetic collection "The Path of Dating". But the main work of the life of Mikhail Sergeevich Tyskikh, according to the author himself, was the work - "Ecology and life" ("The Cry of a mortal"). This small brochure was written by Mikhail Tyskikh and the imam of the Eastern District of Muslims of Kazakhstan, Ibrahim kazhy Karnakbayuly. In it, the authors try to reach the consciousness of all people of the world, including the leaders of states and peoples, reminding them that "modern civilization, which creates a special habitat, almost completely ignores the accumulated "evolutionary experience" of nature. The intensive development of this second system, parallel to the biosphere, has generated an ecological crisis." This work of his is known and highly appreciated by major scientists of Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus. A small print run of the brochure sold out instantly and became a bibliographic rarity.
Speaking about Mikhail Tytskikh, it is impossible to separate the different sides of his work, because the source of his versatile activity is one - a mighty character that combines seemingly incompatible things: the subtle soul of a lyricist and the fearless thought of a philosopher.
Mikhail Sergeevich Tyskikh died on July 10, 2007.
Works by M. S. Tyskikh
Тыцких, М. С. На краю бездны [Текст] / М. С. Тыцких , Егоров А., Ибрагим-Қажы К. - Б. м. : Б.и., 2000. - 26 с.
Тыцких, М. С. Тропа свиданий [Текст] : стихотворения / М. С. Тыцких ; ред., сост., авт. предисл. и примеч. П. Сушко ; Лит. об-ние "Феникс". - Усть-Каменогорск : ВК Музей Искусств, 2001. - 76 с.
Тыцких, М. Грехи наши тяжкие ("Вопль смертного") [Текст] : избранные произведения / М. Тыцких. - Усть-Каменогорск : Медиа-Альянс, 2006. - 172 c.
Publications of M. S. Tyskikh in collections and periodicals
Тыцких, М.С. Сайкан [Текст] : стихи // Казахстанская правда. - 1959. - 13 декабря.
Тыцких, М.С. У старой мельницы; Лесной сказ; Осень[Текст] : стихи // Простор. - 1960. - N 12. - С. 23-24.
Тыцких, М.С. Сайкан, У старой мельницы, Осень, На плоту, Кедр, Геологи [Текст] / М.С. Тыцких // Утро над Иртышом : сборник / Восточно-Казахстанское литературное объединение. - Усть-Каменогорск : Облиздат, 1960. - С. 103-107.
Михаил Тыцких [Текст] // Звено Алтая : история и современность : к 90-летию Восточно-Казахстанского литературного объединения / Т. Сидихменова . - Усть-Каменогорск : Либриус, 2011. - С. 92-95.
Literature about M. S. Tyskikh
Поминов, П. Тропа свиданий: О творчестве журналиста М. Тыцких / П. Поминов // Казахстанская правда. - 2006. - 20 мая. - С. 7.
Кратенко, А. Гость из Вселенной: В Усть-Каменогорске чествовали 80-летнего диссидента и писателя-эколога Михаила Сергеевича Тыцких // Экспресс К. - 2002. - 12 декабря. - С. 4.
Пивоваров, П. Непоколебимый М. С. Тыцких [Текст] / П. Пивоваров // Поэты, писатели - участники Великой Отечественной войны [Текст] . - Алматы : ҚазАқпарат, 2009. - С. 78-292.
Немцев, М. Тыцких Михаил Сергеевич [Текст] / М. Немцев // Литературный Риддер : биографический справочник. - 2-е изд. - Усть-Каменогорск : Медиа - Альянс, 2012. - С. 155.