Известные имена

Ivanchenko I. A.

Ivanchenko Igor AnatolyevichIvanchenko Igor Anatolyevich (1964) - poet and bard.

Born on September 20, 1964 in Ust-Kamenogorsk, East Kazakhstan region. In 1986 he graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering of the Ust-Kamenogorsk Road Construction Institute (UKSDI, now EKSTU named after D. Serikbayev). He worked as an artist, a studio theater actor, a construction foreman, an architect-designer, a beekeeper, a metallurgist.

Since 1994 , he moved to the village . Slavny of the Tver region, where he works as the head of the economic group of the Torzhok RONO, led a guitar accompaniment circle in Slavninskaya secondary school. Musical education - incomplete secondary piano class. He plays a 6-string guitar. He has been writing songs since 1978 on his poems and on the poems of Yu. Kuznetsov, N. Rubtsov, A. Korolev, Yu. Tuvim, I. Fonyakova, Bo Jiui, L. V. Leitan and other poets. In 1986, he participated in the final concert of the I All-Union Festival in Saratov. Participant of the Tallinn Festival (1988). In 1996, in Ust-Kamenogorsk, he recorded a compilation album, which included songs from 1981 to 1996. He worked as a computer graphics designer at the Rating Computer Center, head of the design department. Cooperates with East Kazakhstan regional Radio and TV, Radio Torzhok, Drama Theater named after Zhambyl Ust-Kamenogorsk.  

His works are published in the collection of poems of Torzhok poetry for the 200th anniversary of A. S. Pushkin (Tver, 1999).

Currently, he lives and works in Tomsk in the Recreation center (House of Culture) "Tomsk Crossroads" and in the MBOU DOD House of Childhood and Youth "CEDAR" as the head of the studio of the author's song

Works  of Ivanchenko I. A.

Иванченко, И. А. След [Текст] : поэтический сборник / И. А. Иванченко. - [Б. м.], 2009.

Internet links

Иванченко Игорь Анатольевич [Электронный ресурс] : [биография] // bard.ru : сайт. – Режим доступа : http://www.bard.ru.com/php/bards_track.php?name=%C8%E2%E0%ED%F7%E5%ED%EA%EE_%C8. (23.06.2017)

Иванченко Игорь Анатольевич [Электронный ресурс] : [биография] // bards.ru : сайт. – Режим доступа : http://www.bards.ru/person.php?id=2684 

Игорь Иванченко [Электронный ресурс] : [биография] // Стихи.ру : сайт. – Режим доступа : https://stihi.ru/avtor/iivanchenko64 (23.06.2017)