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Dostoyevskii F. M.

Fyodor DostoevskyFyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) was a writer, a classic of Russian literature, and a thinker.

He was born on October 30 (November 11, new style), 1821 in Moscow in a noble family.  In 1837, the father sent his eldest sons to K. F. Kostomarov's boarding school. From that moment on, the brothers Mikhail and Fyodor Dostoevsky lived in St. Petersburg. And in the same year, F. M. Dostoevsky entered the military engineering school.

During his studies Dostoevsky often read works by both foreign poets - Homer, Corneille, Balzac, Hugo, Goethe, Hoffmann, Schiller, Shakespeare, Byron, and Russians - Derzhavin, Lermontov, Gogol and, of course, Pushkin. In 1843, the author undertook the translation and publication of Balzac's work - "Eugene Grande". In 1844, Fyodor Mikhailovich wrote his first work - "Poor People" (1844-1845), which immediately brings fame to the author after its release. The novel was highly appreciated by V. Belinsky and N. Nekrasov. 

December 22, 1849 is a turning point in Dostoevsky's life. On this day, on the Semenovsky parade ground in St. Petersburg, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, a member of the socialist circle of Petrashevsky, was sentenced to death by firing squad: "For distributing the letter of the writer Belinsky, full of impudent expressions against the Orthodox Church and the supreme power." Many things appear in a new light for the writer, but at the last moment, just before the execution, the sentence is replaced with a milder one – four years of hard labor in the fortress, followed by determination to the rank and file. Dostoevsky tries to put almost all his feelings and experiences from these events into Prince Myshkin's monologue from the novel "The Idiot".

In 1850-1854, the writer was serving his sentence in exile in Omsk. Immediately after serving his sentence, in 1854 Dostoevsky was sent to the seventh linear Siberian battalion in Semipalatinsk (now Semey, East Kazakhstan region) as an ordinary soldier. Here he met the outstanding scientist and educator of the Kazakh people Shokan Ualikhanov. This acquaintance turned into a close friendship, and Dostoevsky repeatedly meets with Ualikhanov in Semipalatinsk (now Semey).

In 1857, the Dostoevsky family settled in Semipalatinsk (Semey), it was here that he returned to literature. The Semipalatinsk period of the writer's work is a milestone in his work. It is in the Semipalatinsk works that Dostoevsky lays new images, themes and ideas that will be developed in the mature work of the writer. First of all, what he saw, what he experienced in hard labor, was put on paper. And now the first chapters of "Notes on the lost people" ("Notes from the Dead House") have already been written. In January 1859 Dostoevsky finishes the story "Uncle's Dream". Reality gave him rich material for observations: Omsk, Semipalatinsk, Kuznetsk, Barnaul. Another Semipalatinsk novel "The village of Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants", like the first one, was created with great regard for censorship. After finishing it, Dostoevsky notes that "censorship will not erase two words in it."And so it turned out. But it was this desire for complete external reliability that led to the fact that the reading public "Stepanchikovo Village" was received very indifferently. 

In 1859 Dostoevsky, along with his wife and adopted son Pavel, leave his place of service - the city of Semipalatinsk (now Semey), and moves to St. Petersburg. Unofficial surveillance continues for him. After moving to St. Petersburg, in 1860-1866, together with his brother Mikhail, he worked in the magazine "Time", then in the magazine "Epoch". During the same period Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky wrote "Notes from the dead house", "Notes from the underground", "Humiliated and insulted", "Winter notes on summer impressions".

In 1864, his brother Mikhail and Dostoevsky's wife died. He often loses at roulette, gets into debt. Money runs out very quickly and the writer is going through a difficult period. At this time, Dostoevsky composes a novel "Crime and Punishment", which he writes one chapter at a time, and immediately sends it to a magazine set. In order not to lose the rights to his own works (in favor of the publisher F. T. Stellovsky), Fyodor Mikhailovich is forced to write the novel "The Gambler". However, he does not have enough strength to do this, and he is forced to hire a stenographer Anna Grigoryevna Snitkina. The novel "The Gambler" was written in exactly 21 days in 1866. In 1867, already Snitkina-Dostoevskaya accompanies the writer abroad, where he goes in order not to lose all the money received for the novel "Crime and Punishment". 

This last period in Dostoevsky's life is very fruitful for his work. Since 1870, Dostoevsky and his wife settled in the city of Staraya Russa, located in the Novgorod province. In the same year he wrote the novel "Demons". A year later, the "Diary of a writer" appeared, in 1875 – the novel "Teenager", in 1876 – the story "Meek". In 1878, a significant event in Dostoevsky's life took place, Emperor Alexander II invited him to his home and introduced him to his family. During the last two years of his life (1879-1880), the writer created one of his best and most important works – the novel "The Brothers Karamazov".

On January 28 (February 9, new style), 1881, F. M. Dostoevsky died due to a sharp exacerbation of emphysema.

May 7, 1971 in Semipalatinsk (now Semey) The Literary Memorial House-Museum of F. M. Dostoevsky was opened. In 1977, a paired bronze sculpture by D. Elbakidze "F. M. Dostoevsky and Ch. Ch. Valikhanov" was installed next to the museum.

Many of Pistel's works have been filmed.

The works of Dostoevsky F. M., written during his stay in Semey

Достоевский, Ф. М. Село Степанчиково и его обитатели [Текст] : [сборник] / Ф. М. Достоевский ; сост. Н. П. Утехин. - М. : Советская Россия, 1986. - 560 с. - Дядюшкин сон: с. 33 ; Село Степанчиково и его обитатели: с 157.

Достоевский, Ф. М. Полное собрание сочинений [Текст] : в 30 т. / Ф. М. Достоевский ; [Акад. наук СССР, Ин-т рус. лит. (Пушк. Дом) ; редкол.: В. Г. Базанов (гл. ред.) и др.]. - Л. : Наука, 1972 - 1990.

Т. 4 : Записки из Мертвого дома / [текст подгот. и примеч. сост.: И. Д. Якубович и др. ; ред. Ф. Я. Прийма]. - 1972. - 324 с.

Literature about the life and work of Dostoevsky F. M.


Гусляров, С. На берегу : [О пребывании Ф. Достоевского в г. Семипалатинске] / С. Гусляров // Ленинская смена. - 1980. - 1 мая.

Розанов, А. Достоинство : [О пребывании Ф. Достоевского в г. Семипалатинске] / А. // Ленинская смена. - 1981. - 27 окт.

Санбаев, С. Писатель и степь : [Ф. Достоевский в г. Семипалатинске] / С. Санбаев // Казахстанская правда. - 1981. - 27 окт.

Сараскина, Л. От сумы да от тюрьмы : [Ф. М. Достоевский в г. Семипалатинске] / Л. Сараскина // Иртыш. - 1998. - 10 сент. - С. 7.

Шлихтемаер, Л. "Я командирован в Семипалатинск..." : [О проживании Ф. М. Достоевского в Семипалатинске] / Л. Шлихтемаер // Спектр. - 2001. - 11 мая. - С. 7.

Гришаев, В. Алтайские приятели Федора Достоевского / В. Гришаев // Семь дней. - 2001. - 7 сентября. - С. 8.

Шубина, В. Федор Михайлович Достоевский на земле Казахстана / В. Шубина // История Казахстана в школе и вузах. - 2002. - №12. - С. 20-27.

Дроздецкая, Н. Достоевский и мы / Н. Дроздецкая // Семипалатинские вести. - 2003. - 14 нояб. - С. 3.

Часнык, Л. Достоевский на берегу Иртыша / Л. Часнык // Казахстанская правда. - 2003. - 21 нояб. - С. 5.

Биданова, А. Достоевский и Семипалатинск: от ненависти до любви... / А. Биданова А // Семипалатинские вести. - 2006. - 16 ноября. - С. 16.

Куприн, В. Звезды над озером Маралды : Федор Достоевский в Павлодарском уезде / В. Куприн // Нива. - 2007. - №6. - С. 190-191.

Петрова, Н. П. Достоевский и Казахстан : к 190-летию со дня рождения / Н. П. Петрова // Мәдениет жаршысы = Вестник культуры. - 2011. - N 9. - С. 9-12. : ил.

Поминов, П. Достоевский и Степь : литературные заметки / П. Поминов // Простор. - 2012. - № 12. - С. 159-168.

Мейрамгалиева, Р. М. Преемственность традиции Ф. М. Достоевского Алексеем Максимовичем Горьким / Р. М. Мейрамгалиева. // ҚазҰУ хабаршысы. Филология сериясы = Вестн. КазНУ. Сер. филологическая. - 2014. - N6. - С. 74-78.

Обухов, В. Арийский проект Федора Достоевского / В. Обухов // 7 дней. - 2014. - 24 июля. - С. 7 : фот.

Шавлева, Д. Во сне или наяву : [О пребывании Ф. Достоевского в Семее и создании повести "Дядюшкин сон"] / Д. Шавлева // Рудный Алтай. - 2016. - 17 сентября. - С. 9.

Биданова, А. Человек есть тайна : [137 лет со дня смерти Ф. Достоевского] / А. Биданова // Казахстанская правда. - 2018. - 21 февраля. - С. 12.

Ананьева, С. Новое в изучении творчества Федора Достоевского : [О распространении наследия и памяти о Ф. Достоевском на территории Казахстана и Российской Федерации] / С. Ананьева // Простор. - 2019. - № 1. - С. 136-138.

Тахирова, Р. 200-летие великого классика : [К юбилею Ф. М. Достоевского] / Р. Тахирова // Вести Семей. - 2021. - 9 апреля. - С. 2.

Колчигин, С. Я прозрел во что-то новое... : к 200-летию Федора Достоевского / С. Колчигин // Мысль. - 2021. - №8. - С. -58-66.

Байторина, Н. Читать Достоевского, как прислушиваться к своей душе : [ К 200-летию Ф. М. Достоевского] / Н. Байторина // Вести Семей. - 2021. - 3 августа. - С. 4.

Вологодская, Г. И жизнь, и слезы, и любовь : [к 200-летию Ф. М. Достоевского] / Г. Вологодская // Казахстанская правда. - 2021. - 5 ноября. - С. 9.

Internet links


Память о Федоре Достоевском [Электронный ресурс] : [сведения об увековечивании памяти русского писателя Фёдора Михайловича Достоевского] // Википедия - открытая энциклопедия : сайт. - Режим доступа:https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Память_о_Фёдоре_Достоевском (18.01.2018)

Федор Михайлович Достоевский [Электронный ресурс]: [биография] // Образовака : сайт. - Режим доступа:http://obrazovaka.ru/alpha/d/dostoevskij-fyodor-mixajlovich-dostoevsky-fyodor-mikhailovich#ixzz54WaL3xPK (18.01.2018)

Федор Михайлович Достоевский [Электронный ресурс] // Мемориальный дом-музей Ф. М. Достоевского : сайт. - Режим доступа:http://dostoevsky.kz/fyodor-mihailovich-dostoevskii (18.01.2018)

Федор Михайлович Достоевский. Антология жизни и творчества [Электронный ресурс] : сайт. - Режим доступа:https://fedordostoevsky.ru (01.11.2021)