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Aubakirov A.A

Aubakirov Aldiyar AkylbekovichAubakirov Aldiyar Akylbekovich (1949) - poet, local historian, collector, archivist, member of the Union of Writers of Russia. Honorary citizen of Ulan district, member of the Literary association "Link of Altai"

Was born on January 20, 1949 in the village of Karabas of Ulan district of East Kazakhstan region. In 1982 he graduated from the Moscow Veterinary Academy. Scriabin, graduate school of Semipalatinsk State University. Shakarim majored in "History of Kazakhstan".

He started his career in 1966. In 1971, he served in the Soviet Army. Since 1973, the tractor driver of the state farm "Ulansky", the foreman of the same state farm. In 1982, after graduating from the Moscow Academy, he worked as a zootechnic breeder of the Kirov collective farm of the Glubokovsky district of the East Kazakhstan region, later he was transferred to the chief zootechnic of the Kirovsky state farm of the Serebryansky district (now the Altai district) in this position he worked until 1987. In May 1987, Secretary of the Party Committee of the state farm "Novorossiysk" of the Serebryansky district (now the Altai district). In 1989, the chairman of the Trade Union Committee, later transferred to acting deputy chairman of the Executive Committee of the city of Serebryansk. In 1990, he was approved as the first deputy chairman of the City Executive Committee of Serebryansk. In 1992, Deputy Head of the city of Serebryansk. In 1993 he was appointed Head of the Ulan district, in 1995 Akim of the Ulan district. From February 1, 2001 to August 2008, he was appointed Head of the Archives and Documentation Department of the East Kazakhstan region. From August 2008 to October 2009, Akim of Tarbagatai district of East Kazakhstan region. From October 2009 to July 2015, Head of the Archives and Documentation Department of East Kazakhstan Region.

The documents of A. A. Aubakirov, revealed during foreign business trips, were used in the publication of the collections "Unknown pages of the history of the Semipalatinsk Irtysh region. 20-30 years of the XX century." (2002); "Trade relations of the Semipalatinsk Irtysh region. XVIII-XX centuries." (2004); "From the history of the greatest tragedy of the Kazakh people. 1932-1933" (2005); "Administrative and territorial administration of East Kazakhstan. XVIII-30s of the XX century." (2006); "Handbook on the history of the administrative-territorial division of East Kazakhstan. 1920 - 2002" (2006).

Has State awards: the medal "Astana - 1999", "Astana - 2005", the medal "for the 10th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan" - 2005, the medal "Eren enbegi ushin".

In 2004, he was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Culture for his significant contribution to the development of culture and art.


Works of Books Aubakirov A.


Аубакиров, А. Соңғы монолог [Текст] : тарихи очерк / А. Аубакиров. - Өскемен : Медиа-Альянс, 2012. - 136 б.

Аубакиров, А. Сарыарқа - меніңжерім [Текст] = Сарыарка - мояземля = My home land, Saryarka : изданиядлядосуга / А. А. Аубакиров. - Өскемен : ВКПКАрго, 2019.


Аубакиров, А. Мои четверостишия... [Текст] / А. А. Аубакиров. - Усть-Каменогорск : ВКПК Арго, 2015. - 171 с.

Аубакиров, А. Красная корова [Текст] : повести и рассказы / А. Аубакиров. - Усть-Каменогорск : ТОО ВКПК Арго, 2018. - 250 с.


Literature about Aubakirov A.


Мустафин, С. "Бесценное наследие" Алдияра Аубакирова [Текст] / С. Мустафин // Рудный Алтай. - 2006. - 21 ноября. - С. 2

Омарова, А. "Одной любви лишь живопись подобна" [Текст] : [о выставке картин А. Аубакирова в областной библиотеке им. А. Пушкина] / А. Омарова // Семь дней. - 2009. - 3 декабря. - С. 2.

Омарова, А. "Одной любви лишь живопись подобна" [Текст] : [о выставке картин А. Аубакирова в областной библиотеке им. А. Пушкина] / А. Омарова // Мәдениет жаршысы . - 2009. - № 12. - С. 32.

Омарова, А. Истина красоты [Текст] : [в ВК библиотеке им. А. С. Пушкина открылась выставка картин из частной коллекции А. Аубакирова] / А. Омарова // Мәдениет жаршысы / Шығыс Қазақстан облыстық мәдениет басқармасы=Управление культуры Восточно-Казахстанской области. - Өскемен, 2010. - N 8. - С. 21.

Ким, Е. Прошлое - учитель будущего [Текст] : [об Алдияре Аубакирове, коллекционере, писателе, архивисте и встрече вышеуказанным в ОДЮБ. Усть-Каменогорск] / Е. Ким // Рудный Алтай. - 2018. - 29 ноября. - С. 15.

Жумагулов, О. Поздравляем [Текст] : [поздравление с 70-летним юбилеем архивиста, коллекционера А.А. Аубакирова] / О. Жумагулов // Рудный Алтай. - 2019. - 19 января. - С. 3.

Ким, Е. Я каждой встречей дорожу [Текст] : [о встрече в ОДЮБ с писателем-историком А.А. Аубакировым] / Е. Ким // Рудный Алтай. - 2019. - 22 января. - С. 3.


Internet links


Аубакиров Алдияр Акылбекович [Электронный ресурс] : [биография] // Управление культуры, архивов и документации Восточно-Казахстанской области : сайт. – Режим доступа : http://cultura-arhiv.vko.gov.kz/ru/honor_16.htm (26.09.2019)

Аубакиров Алдияр Акылбекович [Электронный ресурс] : [биография] // Государственный архив Восточно-Казахстанской области : сайт. – Режим доступа : http://e-arhiv.vko.gov.kz/ru/Page/Index/1934 (26.09.2019)