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Nuralin S.

Nuralin SagidollaNuralin Sagidolla (1909 – 1981 lj.) – poet

He was born in 1909 in the village of Sunkar, Zaisan district, East Kazakhstan region. At an early age, he learned to read and write Arabic. In 1926-1956 he held administrative and economic positions in the Altai Territory of the East Turkestan Region (People's Republic of China). At the beginning of his creative activity, he studies the oral folk art of Kazakh akyns, and later begins to compose poems himself. Nuralin Sagidolla collects Kazakh folk songs, legends. epics. In 1929 he published a collection of manuscripts "Mura zhane tolgau". In the newspapers "Yerikti Altai", which began to be published in the second half of the 30s, in the magazines "Tan Sholpan", "Birlik" S. Nuralin begins to publish his first poems. There are collections of folk songs, dastans about historical events, such as "Tukibai – Sholpan", "Arkalyk batyr", "Myrzash batyr", "Kogedei torenin olimi", "Oshagan buligi", "Mynbaydyn buldy boluy" and others. Returning to his homeland in 1956, he expanded his poetic works. Along with dastans, he began to write terms such as "Zhogalgan shyny", "Zakymnyn korgeni".

He died in 1981.

Literature about S. Nuralin

Ақын-жыраулар [Мәтін]. - Алматы: Ғылым, 1979. - 184 б.

Шығыс Қазақстанның мәдени мұралары (тарих, мәдениет, білім) [Мәтін]. - Өскемен: ШҚМУ, 2006. - 432 б.