Baykoshkaruly Tubek (1780-1870) was a poet, a prominent representative of the art of aitys.
He was born in 1780 in the town of Syban, adjacent to the village of Abay (now Zharminsky district of East Kazakhstan region, railway station Ush-bik). From a young age, he stood out as an improviser poet. Having made strong friends with the song, he has been participating in poetic competitions since the age of 15, enters into verbal competitions with many poets.
M. O. Auezov highly appreciated the improvisational abilities of Tubek, in his writings he particularly noted his competitions with such famous masters of the word as Tezek Tore, Sabyrbai, Kulmambet, Karkabat, Kosan, Baktybai, Orynbai.
The Polish poet A. Yanushkevich, who visited the vicinity of Semey in 1848, met with Tubek Akyn, and touchingly writes about it in his book "Diaries and notes from a trip to the Kazakh steppes", admires his poetic gift.
After Tubek's victory in the competition with Kulmambet Akyn in 1863 in the house of Tezek Tore, his fame spread throughout the Zhetysu region.
In 1830, he defeated the sisters Zhakezhan and Ayymzhan, who were famous for their poetic talent in Kerek. This episode is realistically described in the novel "The Way of Abai" by M. O. Auezov.
He died in 1870 in the winter quarters of Zhalgyztal.
Russian scientist-Turkologist V. V. Radlov, a great educator and educator. Altynsarin highly appreciated Tubek akyn's talent, restored his aitys with Zhanak akyn and made it into the collection. Narodny akyn K. Altynbayev in his book "Kalbatau" (1997) devoted several articles about the life and work of Tubek Baykoshkarula.
Literature about Baykoshkaruly Т.
Абай [Мәтін] : энциклопедия. – Алматы : Қазақ энциклопедиясының Бас редакциясы, Атамұра баспасы, 1995. – Түбек Байқошқарұлы: б. 558.
Қазақ әдебиетінің тарихы [Мәтін] : 10 томдық. Т. 4 : XIX ғасырдың бірінші жартысы (1800-1850), 2005. - 438 б.
Қазақ әдебиеті [Мәтін] : энциклопедиялық анықтамалық. - Алматы: «Аруна Ltd.» ЖШС, 2010.
Шығыс Қазақстан облысы [Мәтін] : энциклопедия. - Алматы : Қазақ энциклопедиясы, 2014. - Түбек Байқошқарұлы: б. 760.
Янушкевич, А. Қазақ даласына сапар туралы жазбалар [Мәтін] / А. Янушкевич. - Астана : Аударма, 2003. - 264 б.
Биғожаұлы, Қ. Толғанбай мен Түбектің айтысы [Текст] / Қ. Биғожаұлы // Жұлдыз . - 2000. - № 5. - С. 147-149 б.