Zhumakanov Zheken (1913-1978) – writer, a veteran of World War II
He was born on 5 December in the Zhurekadyr village of Abai district of Semey oblast. In 1938 he graduated the Communist Institute of Journalism in Almaty. In 1932-1934 he was a teacher in Semey and then he was a secretary. In 1938-1941 he worked as an employee of the newspaper «Socialistic Kazakhstan».
He was a member of the Great Patriotic War. In 1946-1978 he worked as a head of department of the newspaper «Socialistic Kazakhstan», he was a correspondent in Semey region, the deputy editor of the newspaper «Kazakh literature».
In 1950 came the first story «Road trips». He is an author of collections of short stories and novels «Aliya» (1958), «The Soldier's Path» (1958), «Unwritten book» (1959), «Daughter-in-law» (1960), «Black-eyed sister» (1962), «Love and career» (1970), «I am worker» (1972), the novel «End of the trail» (1967).
Zhumakanov works have been translated into Russian, Ukrainian, English, French, Spanish, German and other languages. The writer was awarded the Order of the Red Star.
Literature about it:
Гайнуллина Ф.А. Литература Семипалатинского Прииртышья: Учеб. пособие.- Семипалатинск, 2002.- С.76-77
Жекен Жумаканов// Писатели Казахстана. - Алма-Ата: Жазушы, 1969. - С.137.
Писатели и поэты Восточного Казахстана [Текст]: (Рекомендательный указатель литературы).- Усть-Каменогорск: Б. и., 1989.- 57 с.
Садыков Х. Надо быть построже// Простор. - 1964. - № 11. - С. 87-88.
Шулембаева Р. Большая короткая жизнь// Казахстанская правда ћttp://www.kazpravda.kz.- 2003. - 28 августа. - С. 3