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Sakabaev K.

Сакабаев КокейSakabaev Kokey (1930-1995) – a writer

He was born on 1 September in the village Kokzhura of the Samara region in a family of middle peasant.
In 1949 he graduated the Ust-Kamenogorsk average boarding school named after Zhambyl. In this year, he entered the Leningrad Mining Institute. In Leningrad, he graduated the two courses of the mining faculty and in 1952 at the personal request Kokey Sakabaev was transferred to the Kazakh Mining and Metallurgical Institute in Alma-Ata.
In 1954, after the institute Kokey Sakabaev was sent to work in Zhezkazgan Mining Group, there he worked as a shift supervisor; since 1955 he worked in the mine group «Kazolovo» of Samara region in the following positions: head of mining operations, area commander, chief of mine, and deputy chief engineer of the mine group.
Since 1958, many years of his life were associated with Leninogorsk. In 1979 he worked in the design department of the Leninogorsk polymetallic plant design engineer, senior design engineer, head of the sector. All these years he combined work of engineer-miner with the creative work, written in the Kazakh and Russian languages, published in the regional, local, national newspapers, magazines «Zhuldyz», «Prostor». In 1964, in the publishing house «Zhazushy» was published a collection of his short stories «At the Bridge». In the edition of «Flag of Communism» he worked until 1984, leading the industry and transport department.


Азмухамбетов Ш. Рудознатец, писатель, журналист [Текст]: он оставил о себе добрую память / Азмухамбетов Ш.// Рудный Алтай.- 2007. - 25 янв. - С. 24

Немцев М. С. "Лениногорск литературный" [Текст]: биографический справочник / Немцев М. С.- Лениногорск: Полиграф-Сервис, 2002.- 167 с.: ил.