Известные имена

Sapaev G.

Сапаев ГазизSapaev Gaziz (1926) – a writer

He was born on 10 October in Tarbagatay district of East Kazakhstan oblast. He graduated the Teacher Training College, later Semipalatinsk Pedagogical Institute in absentia. He worked in the school, in the regional newspaper «Semey Tany». His first book of short stories «The fruits of past years» was published in 1963. Then was followed by collections of «My dove» (1969), «Guldana» (1977), «Always in the Way» (1989).
He translated poems of local poets Mergali Ibraev, Garden Mashakov into Russian language.


Газиз Сапаев // Писатели Семипалатинского региона. - Семипалатинск, 2006. - С. 62-63.
Гайнуллина Ф. А. Газиз Сапаев // Гайнуллина Ф. А. Литература Семипалатинского Прииртышья. - Семипалатинск, 2002. - С. 89-90.