Известные имена

Maldybaev M. M.

Maldybayev Mustakim MatkulovichMaldybaev Mustakim Matkulovich (1880-1927) – member of the Alash movement, educator, journalist.

He was born in 1880 in the winter quarters of Sarykiyak at the foot of Mount Ushkara. In 1895 (1896) He entered to study in Troitsk. After that, he graduated from the Galiya Madrasah in Ufa. In 1911-1918 he was published in the newspapers "Kazakh", "Sary-Arka", and the magazine "Aykap". The articles touch upon such issues as educational and educational among the Kazakh people, the Kazakh language, the role of women in society, religion, politics and other problems. He published under the pseudonyms "M. M.", "Azamat Korykbasov", "Mustakim Rizabek", "Saules".

In 1911, the book "Textbook" was published, published by the publishing house "Zhardem" in Semipalatinsk (now Semey, East Kazakhstan region), which was one of the leading manuals in public education. In 1912 , in collaboration with J. Andamasov will release the "Newest Kazakh primer", which was released in Kazan. This textbook was also in demand.

In 1912, with his assistance, a school was opened in Semipalatinsk (now Semey).

In 1915, in Semipalatinsk (now Semey), he organized a game evening staged by Aitys Birzhan and Sarah. He was also the organizer of the literary and historical production of S. Seifullin's "Narrow Road, slippery Crossing".

In 1917 he joined the Alash party. In April-May 1917, he was a participant in the congress of the Semipalatinsk Regional Committee of Kazakhs, where he was elected a delegate from the Alash party to the All-Russian Constituent Assembly. At the All-Russian Constituent Assembly, he was nominated as a candidate for deputy. After that, Mustakim Maldybayev received questions of a national nature.

He took part in the formation of the Alash army. In 1918-1919 he selflessly organized the Alash cavalry regiment.

In 1923-1926 he opened temporary cooperatives, created an artel, conducted explanatory work among the people about the purpose of the Alash party. Maldybayev Mustakim invested a lot of effort for the development of education among the Kazakh people and the foundation of the press service.

Under the Soviet government, he worked at the Semipalatinsk Pedagogical College (now the M. Auezov Pedagogical College of Semey), in the Department of National Education of the province, as an editor in the press. In 1927, he became a victim of political repression.


Literature about M. Maldybaev


Көшкiмбаева, С. Малдыбайдың Мұстақымы туралы не бiлемiз? [Мәтін] : [педагог, публицист жайлы] / С. Көшкімбаев // Дала мен қала. - 2004. - 12 наурыз (№ 10). - Б. 16.

Жәпек, М. Жалындап өткен ғұмыр [Мәтін] : [Алаш ардагерi, мұғалiм, публицист Мұстақым Малдыбаев туралы] / М. Жәпек // Орталық Қазақстан. - 2005. - 16 желтоқсан. - Б. 5.

Алаш. Алашорда [Мәтін] : энциклопедия. - Алматы : Арыс, 2009. - 544 б. - Малдыбаев Мұстақым: б. 235-236.


Internet links 


Малдыбаев Мұстақым [Электронды ресурс] : [өмірбаян] // wikiwand : сайт. – Режим доступа :http://www.wikiwand.com/kk/Малдыбаев_Мұстақым(02.02.2017)

Малдыбаев Мұстақим [Электронды ресурс] : [өмірбаян] // А л а ш қозғалысы энциклопедиялық анықтамалық : сайт. – Режим доступа : http://archive.li/g8uE5(02.02.2017)

Алаштың ардақтысы.  Мұстақым Малдыбаев туралы сөз [Электронды ресурс] : [өмірбаян] // catalog.karlib.kz : сайт. - Режим доступа :  http://catalog.karlib.kz/irbis64r_01/Kraeved/Sayasi_repressiya/alashtyn_ardaktysy.pdf(02.02.2017)

Малдыбаев Мұстақым [Электронды ресурс] : [өмірбаян] // Уикипедия - ашық энциклопедиясы : сайт. - Режим доступа : https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9C%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B4%D1%8B%D0%B1%D0%B0%D0%B5%D0%B2_%D0%9C%D2%B1%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D2%9B%D1%8B%D0%BC(02.02.2017)