Alibasov Bari Karimovich (1947) - musician, composer, producer
Bari Alibasov was born on June 6, 1947 in a large family. Father - Karim Kasymovich Alibasov, a Kazakh from the Argyn family, ran an agricultural Bank in Charsk; mother - Iraida Ibrahimovna Abrarova, a Tatar, was an accountant in kindergarten.
He studied at school No. 232 in the city of Charsk. As a child, he showed a penchant for creativity. At school, he began to engage in amateur performances (sang in the choir, played drums, was an entertainer), created his own drama club (staged a play by A. Chekhov "Rural Aesculapius"). In the early 1960s, in high school, together with several classmates, he organized a musical ensemble, with which he toured the nearby collective farms.
After graduating from school in 1965, he entered the Ust-Kamenogorsk Road Construction Institute (now EKSTU) Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering.
He served in the ranks of the Soviet Army from 1969 to 1971 in the air defense forces of the Central Asian Military District in the Alma-Ata region. Six months later he was transferred to the song and dance ensemble of SAVO, where he created the ensemble "Zador" at the headquarters of the air Defense of SAVO.
In 1973-1974, he studied at the Ust-Kamenogorsk Music College in the percussion class, but due to the beginning of the touring activities of the Integral group, he did not complete his education [.
In 1966, together with a classmate Mikhail Arapov, he organized a musical group "Integral", playing jazz music (it was registered at the Ust-Kamenogorsk Road Construction Institute). At the same time he proved himself as a composer, writing his first song - twist "Spring Rain".
In 1971, after returning from the army, Alibasov revived Integral. Since 1973, the ensemble has been working in the East Kazakhstan Regional Philharmonic, the musicians have received certification certificates of VIA artists in Kazakhstan. The band became a laureate of the festival "Friendship of Peoples" in Alma-Ata and a number of other competitions. in 1980 it became a laureate of the 1st All-Union Rock Festival "Tbilisi-1980", in 1985 it was a participant in the program of the 12th International Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow.
Under Alibasov's leadership, the Integral group existed for 22 years, during which time it experimented with many musical styles: from rock and roll to psychedelic underground, from fusion to country and blues.
In 1989, Alibasov disbanded the Integral group and announced casting for the pop group Na-Na, of which he is the permanent head to this day.
Under Alibasov's leadership, the Na-Na group became popular and commercially successful in the 1990s. As the artistic director of Na-Na, Alibasov created and directed the group's show programs, directed concert films about the group, and wrote lyrics and music for many songs from the band's repertoire.
Bari Alibasov and "Na-Na" are also engaged in charitable activities, give concerts for disabled children, participate in charity events (such as "Day of Good" at the VVC, "Shield and Lyre" and many others).
He has been engaged in photography for twenty years. As part of the international festival "Fashion and Style in Photography", a personal exhibition of Alibasov's photographs was held in the gallery «TXT".
Books by B. Alibasov
Алибасов, Б. Основы НА-НАйской философии. - Центрполиграф, 1999. - 430 с.
Бари Алибасов: "Родина рок-н-ролла для меня - Усть-Каменогорск" [Текст] // 7 дней. - 2016. - 25 февраля. - С. 7
Articles about B. Alibasov published on the pages of the periodical press
Алибасов, Б. "Интегралдан" "На-Наға" дейін [Мәтін] : [жерлесіміз "На-На" тобының жетекшісімен...сұхбат /сұхб.Ғ.Сәрсенбайқызы] / Б. Алибасов // Дидар. - 1997. - 14 қазан.- Б.
Алибасов, Б. Жаңа жылды Шарда қарсы алса ғой деп армандаймын [Мәтін] : [әншімен сұхбат.../с ұхб. Әлімханова Г., Монастырева З., Төлеуов С.] /Б. Алибасов. // Семей таңы. - 1998. - №31 желтоқсан(N48).- Б.10
Ескенқызы А. Кәмелетке толған " На- На" бұрын - сонды болмаған тамаша шоу көрсетпек [Мәтін] /А. Ескенқызы. // Дидар. - 2007. - 7 маусым.- Б.6.
Кенжеханұлы , М. Түлектерімен бірге түлеген мектеп [Мәтін] : [Шар қаласындағы Карелин атындағы мектеп өмірі.] / М. Кенжеханұлы // Дидар. - 2017. - 19 қазан.- Б.15.
Бари Алибасов - молодой поэт [Текст]: [Стихи бывшего усть-каменогорца,рук.моск.группы "На-На" и материал о нем] // Рудный Алтай. - 1995. - 8 авг.
Вечерний разговор с Бари Алибасовым, Володей Левкиным и Славой Жеребкиным [Текст]: [Беседа с рук. и участниками моск.группы "На -На" во время гастролей в г.Усть-Каменогорске] // Рудный Алтай. - 1995. - 19 авг.
Кратенко А. Едет Бари на коне,за ним нанайцы на ремне [Текст] : (Предисловие к концерту моск.группы "На-На" в г.Усть-Каменогорске] / А. Кратенко. // Рудный Алтай. - 1995. - 8 авг.
Никифоров В. В гостях у матери Бари Алибасова [Текст]: [рук.рос.группы "На-На",земляка усть-каменогорцев] / В. Никифоров. // Рудный Алтай. - 1997. - 7 марта
Алибасов, Б. Пригласите нас [Текст]: [беседа с бывшим восточноказахстанцем,ныне - рук.рос.гр."На-На" ... во время пребывания в г.Усть-Каменогорске] / Б. Алибасов // Рудный Алтай. - 1997. - 4 окт. - С.
Алибасов, Б. Для меня Казахстан был, есть и будет родиной [Текст]: [Беседа с рук.рос.гр."На-На",земляком семипалатинцев ...во время гастролей] /Б. Алибасов // Казахстанская правда. - 1998. - 10 апр.
Алибасов Б. "На-на" - доброе исключение из правил [Текст]: [Беседа с рук.рос.шоу-группы ... во время гастролей в г.Усть-Каменогорске] /Б. Алибасов. // Рудный Алтай. - 1998. - 20 июня.
Жинило, В. Главный "нанаец" - Почетный гражданин [Текст]: [Рук.рос.гр. "На-На" Б.Алибасову присвоено звание Почет.гражданина Жармин.р-на] / В. Жинило // Рудный Алтай. - 1998. - 6 окт.
Кратенко, А. Мальчик на Шаре [Текст]: [сегодня по музейным реликвиям в Чарске существуют только две гордости: казахская белоголовая корова и Бари Алибасов] / А. Кратенко. // Рудный Алтай. - 2001. - 6 дек. - С. 13
Мустафин, С. Бари Алибасов мечтает прокатиться в метро [Текст] /С. Мустафин. // Рудный Алтай. - 2007. - 3 марта - С. 4
Рахметова, Л. И снова школьный звонок [Текст] / Л. Рахметова. // Рауан - Восход. - 2007. - 27 апр. - С. 3.
Тишковец,Н. Бари Алибасов на пенсию не собирается [Текст] / Н. Тишковец. // Устинка плюс. - 2007. - 2 марта. - С. 12
Часнык, Л. Друзья детства в гостях у Алибасова [Текст] / Л. Часнык. // Рудный Алтай. - 2007. - 24 февр. - С. 6
Часнык, Л. Звонок из детства [Текст] /Л. Часнык. // Спектр. - 2007. - 6 июня. - С. 15.
Логинова, И. Поражение Бари Алибасова [Текст] / И. Логинова // 7 дней. - 2013. - 5 декабря. - С. 7.