Известные имена

Ismailov M. B.

Ismailov Marat BazaralievichIsmailov Marat Bazaralievich (born 1947) - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences, retired Colonel, Director of the department of JSC "National Center for Space Research and Technology".

Marat Bazaralievich was born in 1947 in the village of Urjar, Abai district of East Kazakhstan region. Since childhood, he has been interested in the heavenly world and the cosmos. At school, the teenager Marat actively participates in aircraft modeling and rocket modeling circles, physics and technology circles organized by a young drawing teacher from Ukraine Ivan Ivanovich Mirgorodsky.After graduating from the Krupskaya Secondary School, he entered the Faculty of "Preliminary Design of Aircraft" of the Tomsk University of Physics and Technology of Russia. After graduation, he studied at the Institute of Chemical Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Moscow, designing a solid-fuel rocket engine.In 1972, he began working as a specialist at the main laboratory of the defense enterprise in Kazan. After working for two years, he entered graduate school at the Department of Rocket and Artillery Design of the Izhevsk Mechanical Institute and defended his thesis in 1976. The topic of the dissertation is "New design methods with the theory of propellant charges of missiles and artillery weapons". The dissertation council consisted of twice Hero of Socialist Labor, General, world-famous machine designer M.T. Kalashnikov, academician of the USSR A.M. Lipanov Ismailov Marat Bazaralievich perfectly defended the topic of his dissertation before the prestigious commission.In 1979 he moved to Almaty. It was difficult to find a job in the specialty. Marat Bazaralievich is getting a job at the Kazakh State University as an associate professor of the Department of Chemical Kinetics and Gorenje Processes. Thus, he began to study chemistry at a professional level.Due to the change of scientific direction and research, a new topic "New technology for the formation of refractory ceramic materials" has appeared. He and his colleagues developed a new material called "Furon" and began publishing it in Kazakhstan. The material was exported to the USSR, Cuba, Germany, Belgium, Italy and China.In 1992 he defended his thesis in Moscow and received the title of Doctor of Technical Sciences. After gaining independence, Marat Bazarlyevich returned to aviation and space.In different years he worked as the head and professor of the Aktobe School of Civil Aviation named after Talgat Bigeldinov (1994- 1997). Vice-Rector of Aktobe University named after Zhubanov (1997-2005). Headed the scientific and technical institutions of the National Security Committee of the National Company "Kazatomprom".

He has been working in the space industry of Kazakhstan since 2005 as the chief engineer of the Special Design and Technological Bureau of Space Technology of JSC "National Company". Today he is the director of the branch of JSC "National Center for Space Research and Technology" in Almaty.

For his contribution to the development of Russian-Kazakh cooperation in space, the Russian Space Association awarded M. B. Ismailov with the Medal named after academician V. Glushko, He is the owner of more than 150 scientific papers and more than 50 patents, copyright certificates for inventions.


Articles about M. Ismailov, published on the pages of periodicals


Исмаилов, М. Кандидаттық диссертациямды Калашниковтың алдында қорғадым : [қазақ арасынан шыққан санаулы ғарыш мамандарының бірімен сұхбат.] / Марат Исмаилов ; сұхбат. Б. Тайжігіт. // Дидар. - 2014. - 14 тамыз. - б. 8.

Исмаилов, М. Калашниковтың алдында сынақ тапсырған / Марат Исмаилов. - Мәтін // Ертіс өңірі. - 2022. - 2 ақпан. - Б. 12.