Zadorin Alexander Dmitrievich (1935 - 2012) - biologist, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Honored Agronomist of the Kazakh SSR, chief Researcher of the All-Russian Research Institute of Legumes and Cereals.
Born in Leninogorsk (now Ridder) East Kazakhstan region. He received the specialty of a scientist-agronomist at the Kazan Agricultural Institute named after M. Gorky, graduated from graduate school at the same university and defended his PhD thesis "Methods of basic tillage for spring wheat in the dry-steppe zone of Eastern Kazakhstan". He made a great contribution to the development of theoretical foundations and practical issues of agriculture, increasing soil fertility, increasing crop production. Over the years, he worked as a department manager, chief agronomist, director of the grain farm "Bagrationovsky" East Kazakhstan Region, headed the VC state agricultural experimental station. In the 1970s, he was appointed Deputy Director for Science of the Kazakh Research Institute of Agriculture named after V. R. Williams, then head of the Main Department of Science and Introduction of Scientific and Technical Achievements into production of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kazakh SSR, head of the Department of Scientific and Technological Progress of the State Agrarian Industry of the Kazakh SSR. From 1988 to 2002, Zadorin headed the All-Russian Research Institute of Legumes and Cereals (VNIIZBK), successfully defended his doctoral dissertation "Improving the system of agriculture (field production) in the conditions of vertical zonality of East Kazakhstan". As the director of VNIIZBK, he carried out scientific management, organization and coordination of comprehensive research on the issues of ensuring the production of legumes and cereals in active creative cooperation with organizations and enterprises of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Agricultural Academy, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, countries of the near and far abroad.
Author of more than 200 scientific papers, including monographs, books and brochures, a patent for an invention has been issued; a number of works have been published abroad.
For achievements in science, pedagogical and social activities and the introduction of research results into agricultural production, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences A.D. Zadorin was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, medals of the USSR "For Valiant Labor", "For the development of Virgin Lands", two bronze medals of VDNH. The scientific works of corresponding member A. D. Zadorin have made a significant contribution to the theory and practice of domestic agriculture.
Scientific works of Zadorin A.D.
Задорин, А. Д. Ғалымдар мен мамандардың кеңесi [Мәтін] / А. Д. Задорин. - Алматы, 1972. - 4 бет.
Задорин, А.Д. Борьба с ветровой и водной эрозией в Восточном Казахстане[Текст] / А. Д. Задорин.- Алма-Ата, 1979.- 21 с.
Задорин, А.Д. Увеличение производства зерна на Востоке Казахстана[Текст] / А. Д. Задорин.- Алма-Ата, 1979.- 66 с.
Задорин, А. Д. Совершенствование систем земледелия (полеводства) в условиях вертикальной зональности Восточного Казахстана [Текст]: автореферат дис. ... доктора сельскохозяйственных наук : 06.01.01/ А. Д. Задорин. - Кишинев, 1990.
Задорин, А. Д. Проблемы адаптации в земледелии [Текст] / А. Д. Задорин; Рос. акад. с.-х. наук; Всерос. науч.-исслед. ин-т зернобобовых и крупяных культур. - Орел: Тургеневский бережок: Лебедкин, 1997.Publications published with the participation of Zadorin A.D.
Articles published in co-authorship
Вопросы физиологии, селекции и технологии возделывания сельскохозяйственных культур [Текст]: [сорник научных трудов] / [под ред. А. Д. Задорина]. - Орел: Орелиздат, 2001.
Биологический и экономический потенциал зернобобовых, крупяных культур и пути его реализации [Текст]: материалы междунар. науч. конф., приуроч. к 35-летию ВНИИ зернобобовых и крупяных культур / [под ред. А. Д. Задорина]. - Орел: ВНИИ зернобобовых и крупяных культур, 1999.
Научные основы создания моделей агроэкотипов сортов и зональных технологий возделывания зернобобовых и крупяных культур для различных регионов России [Текст] : сборник статетй науч.-метод. координац. совещ., Орел, март 1996 г. / [под ред. А. Д. Задорина]. - Орел: Орелиздат, 1997.
Literature about Zadorin A.D.
Наш земляк - Александр Дмитриевич Задорин [Текст] : [бывший директор ВК Гос. сельскохозяйственной опытной станции; некролог] // Рудный Алтай. - 2012. - 4 июля. - С. 4.