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Meshcheryakov A. Yu.

Meshcheryakov Alexander YuryevichMeshcheryakov Alexander Yuryevich (1984) - poet, designer, artist, musician.

He was born on March 31 in Ust-Kamenogorsk, East Kazakhstan region

He studied at school No. 19 . Ust-Kamenogorsk. He graduated from the East Kazakhstan Humanitarian College - EKGC (now K.Nurgaliev College), then the Eastern Humanitarian Institute (VGI)

Woodcarver (manually carves three-dimensional figurines, ornaments, relief panels, spoons and other kitchen utensils). He makes miniature sculptures. He is engaged in computer graphics, design, manufacture of wooden products, interior items and furniture, draws. He is fond of photography.

For several years in a row, he participated in the creation of ice sculptures on Republic Square, the first time in 2005, when he was still a student. In 2009, the figure of A. Meshcheryakov "Goldfish on the waves" took third place.

Periodically participates in fairs held by the East Kazakhstan Architectural and Ethnographic and Natural landscape Museum-reserve. In 2015, he took part in the international art symposium "Nomad", on the territory of the Berel State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve, in the Katon-Karagai district. He is the author and performer of his own songs.

In 2019, within the framework of the regional literary project Book series "Abai Alemi", the first collection of Alexander Meshcheryakov "In Reflections" was published. This book includes poems from the beginning of 2000 to 2018.


The works of Meshcheryakov A.Y.

Мещеряков, А. В отражениях... [Текст] : избранные стихотворения / А. Мещеряков. - Нур-Султан : Фолиант, 2019. - 304 с.

Internet resources

Мещеряков (Вышковский) Александр [Электронный ресурс] // Стихи.ру : [сайт]. – URL : https://stihi.ru/avtor/alexendyear (дата обращения 24.04.2020)