Nukaev Turgazy (1937-2001) – akyn, a member of the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan
He was born in the Tuyak village of Ulan district of East Kazakhstan oblast. He graduated the history faculty Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abai. He worked as a teacher, school principal, and a journalist of the regional newspaper «Flag of Communism» (now «Didar»). He published poems, ballads, essays in regional and national publications. His first book of poems is published in the publishing house «Zhalyn» (1978). He is the author of books: «My brother, Azaga» (1994), «I am the son of the Great Steppe» (1995), «Bow to mother» (1995), «Two shining star» (1999).
Новая книга Тургазы Нукаева: // Рудный Алтай. - 1999. - 11 мая
Поздравляем вас, Турага!: [журналист газ. "Рудный Алтай", первый зам. редактора обл. газ. "Дидар" Тургазы Нукаев принят в Союз писателей Казахстана]// Рудный Алтай. - 1996. - 25 мая